lilia x flirty!gn!reader

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a/n: sry for the wait i've been grinding on the next chapter of the ghost mc book :) anyways. here have this

synopsis: you and lilia flirt with each other a lot platonically, but you're in love with him and he's in love with you so when you actually begin to flirt neither can tell the difference. also u can cook and he still can't (reader is prefect but its not super important)

also im doing something different this time...reader is a little shyer, which is not what im used to doing but i thought it would be interesting to see how it played out :) tell me what u think!

"Darling!" sings Lilia as he skips down the halls of Diasomnia, "Darling, I know you're here!"

You giggle, swinging your basket back and forth, listening to your friends voice grow closer. Even if you stayed silent, you know that he'd eventually find you—his ears are keener than yours.

Lilia can hear your footsteps from hallways upon hallways down the corridor, smiling as he approaches you. You feign obliviousness, still unable to hear him sneaking up behind you but you can feel his presence; after having spent enough time with him, you're able to recognize when he's approaching.

"Gotcha! Hello, dear!" says Lilia, scooping you up from where you were walking. You laugh, wrapping your arms around his neck as he swings you around. Somehow, you're never too heavy for him, even though he looks like a strong gust of wind could knock him over.

"Hi! I was worried you wouldn't find me," you say, pouting playfully. Lilia laughs, jostling you a bit from where he holds you in his arms. 

"Not to worry, dear, I'll always find you," he says, giving you a wink, and you can't help the blush that spreads across your cheeks, even though you're forcing your feelings back down your throat. Thinking about how the two of your are just friends leaves a bitter taste on your tongue, but it's better than nothing, you suppose.

"Looking just as always as ever," Lilia adds on, and you laugh despite the insecurities slowly rising up.

He's just joking,  you tell yourself, looking away. He doesn't really mean it.

"Well, that's good to know. I've brought you something," you say, holding up your basket.

"Is that so? My, that's very  kind of you," says Lilia, shifting you onto one of his arms while the other reaches towards the basket.

You pull the basket away with a smirk, watching Lilia's face go from expectant to dumbfounded. "Mm, not yet! It's a surprise, babe. Take me to the kitchen and I'll show you what it is," you tell him, giving him a wink of your own.

"Getting cheeky, are we?" says Lilia, raising an eyebrow. You blush even harder, averting eye contact.

"Yes. Seven knows what might happen if I left you there alone. You'd burn anything just by putting it on a plate," you say, watching Lilia scoff as he carries you.

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