crowley x male!reader

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synopsis: just a look into their lives :) plus everyone being mean to crowley bc ngl he kinda deserves it

a/n: this is gonna be a challenge bc i've never written crowley in anything resembling a positive light. also i kind of go off of tangents in this one bc im writing abt queer relationships here and as a bi guy i've had some real life experiences that kinda sorta make their way into my writing. also some hcs cause yea

Your husband loves you. Truly, he does. That's the one thing about him that he's never doubted.

Right now, though, he wants to run and hide in his office, away from the prying eyes of his own students.

You'd decided that you would pay him a surprise visit and had appeared on campus, trying to remember exactly where it was that your husband told you that he usually stayed. You'd been listening to him gripe about his hard, tedious work days for a while now and had decided to do something nice for him—the box of cranberry muffins in your hands had been bought just this morning, and you'd wanted to hand it to him while they were still fresh.

Had Crowley gone into any other profession, you wouldn't have been so eager to bring him a gift to his workplace. The two of you had been beyond grateful that the school wasn't one that would take any measures against the relationship that the two of you had, but even then you'd kept the whole thing silent—barely anyone knew that Crowley was married, and even less knew that it was to another man.

It wasn't that the two of you had tried to hide it, per se, but unless someone asked you wouldn't be divulging any information. There was no need to go seeking attention while Crowley was hard at work.

You're unsuccessful at finding the man so you head to the break room, hoping to find some help there. You open to door, popping your head in and looking around only to see Crewel hastily trying to put out his cigarette as he catches sight of you, coughing slightly while he waves the smoke away from his face.

"Wonder where all of this fog came from," he says, and you chuckle slightly.

"I won't say anything. Nice to see you again," you say, stepping inside with a grin. In typical Crewel fashion, he shrugs his long coat over his shoulders again and flicks the tail behind him before enveloping you in a hug which you half-return, trying not to crush the box of muffins.

"It's always a pleasure to have you here. We need more responsible people in this damned place," he says, eyes flickering down to the box in your hands. Instantly, Crewel's face scrunches up in distaste and you bite back a laugh at how disgusted he looks at your offering.

"Don't tell me you brought that mess of a man a gift," he says, eyeing the box venomously.

"He's been working hard! He deserves something nice," you counter, grinning even though Crewel is giving you a disapproving look.

"How many times have I told you that your husband is nothing but a disorganized slob? Leave him immediately. You can do better than that man," he says, and you only laugh again because this must be the hundredth time Crewel has stated his opinion on Crowley. You're well aware that Crowley has his pros and cons—a lot of cons—but they're all a part of the man you love. Crewel knows that, too, which is why you're sure that he's only joking.

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