riddle x motherly!gn!reader

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a/n: surprise surprise this time the reader and riddle are already together :))) first fic of the bunch where i do this (also idk what the layout of heartslabyul is like so im quite literally pulling it out of my ass for this fic)

You'd been sitting across from Riddle for the better part of two hours, diligently finishing up your homework for the week. You'd been doing alright so far, but Riddle looked ready to topple right over. He was yawning frequently, rubbing his eyes and slumping over his work, and had even forgotten a few of his own rules—mainly the minor ones—which was extremely un-Riddle like of him. He'd never so much as slouched down in class, but right now he could barely hold his head up.

"Riddle?" you ask, looking up from your finished work. "You seem a bit tired, wanna take a break?"

He shakes his head, brushing his red bangs away from his face. "'M fine, I just have a bit more to do."

"Y'know, you don't have to do it all today. We've still got time before the deadline," you say, reaching over and gently plucking the pen out of his hand, "and you need food and sleep more than you need to keep writing."

Riddle groans, giving you one of his famous looks—although it does nothing to deter you—and begins one of his speeches. "As the dorm leader, it would be unacceptable for me to slack off as I am the model that the rest of the students in Heartslabyul and if I set a bad example by not finishing my work—"

"Babe, you're already top of every class. What more could they look up to? Besides, you're only human—and humans need rest," you gently argue, crossing the table to stand by his side. "C'mon, we're getting you something to eat."

Riddle groaned again, but after you refused to let up he finally relented and allowed himself to be led to the kitchen, albeit not silently.

"This really isn't necessary. I'd be just fine without the food for a while longer, and besides don't you have other things to do?" he says, making a not-so-subtle attempt to return to his table.

You grab his arm before he can, steering him back and sitting him at the counter while you rummage through the fridge.

"Absolutely not. Besides, what could be better than spending time with my wonderful, perfect, definitely-not-hungry-or-sleep-deprived boyfriend?" you say, rubbing his condition in a bit as you bring him a small plate of fruit.

Riddle rolls his eyes but picks up the fork begrudgingly, spearing a small piece while half-heartedly glaring at you out of the corner of his eye. "I've been torn away from my day's work and forced to eat cold fruit at night without having finished. I hope you're happy," he says, not having nearly as much bite as he usually does. It's hard to tell, especially to those who don't know him, but his way of joking is incredibly dry—you picked up on it quickly, though. 

"I am happy. I have a positive mental attitude," you say, joking back.

He gives you a small smile before eating in silence, still slightly slumped over. You begin to notice how dark the bags under his eyes are and sighed, knowing that he'd probably pushed himself like this various nights in a row.

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