malleus x sick!gn!reader

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synopsis: boyf malleus is taking care of the reader, who's not having a great time. they fall asleep on him and now malleus has to keep sebek and his loud ass mouth from waking reader up

You shiver in Malleus' bed, having pulled all of the covers around your body and trying to keep yourself from sneezing again. Malleus, having insisted that you rest in his room, was holding a bowl of soup and was attempting to feed you.

"Come here," he says, and you try to move up enough to get closer to him. You fall back instead, shaking too hard to keep yourself steady. Malleus sighs and puts the bowl down, reaching forward to put his hand against your forehead.

"You're still very warm, and you're shaking, love," he says, watching you lean into his touch. "I think we should leave the soup for later. Rest, and I'll wake you up when you need to eat."

You whine as Malleus moves away, trying to reach out for him. "Can't you stay?" you ask, voice shaky.

Malleus chuckles, giving you a warm look that does things to your stomach. "I'm afraid not. Being your boyfriend is a top priority, but so are my grades. I'll be back after my classes, alright? You just stay put."

You close your eyes as Malleus presses a soft kiss to your forehead, wishing that he could stay for longer. You're already missing his warmth as he leaves his room to get to his classes on time, leaving you alone to sleep.

You close your eyes and nuzzle into Malleus' pillow, curling the covers tighter around your body. You start drifting off, feeling yourself go lax as your surroundings go blurry. You loose track of time, letting your eyes flutter shut as your breathing evens out.

You've got no idea what time it is when the door to Malleus' room is flung open, banging into the wall and startling you awake. You shoot upright, trying to clear your sight by blinking as much as you can, even though your eyelids are still dreadfully heavy.

"Young Master! I was asked to tell you that—huh?"

You turn to look at Sebek, trying to figure out what's going on.

"...You're not Malleus," says Sebek, narrowing his eyes at you.

"No, he went to class," you say, voice raspy. "What time is it, anyways?"

"What are you doing in his room?!" bellows Sebek, making you flinch. "In his bed, of all places! Explain yourself, human!"

"He's my boyfriend and he let me stay here 'cause I'm sick. What more explanation do you want?" you ask, not in the mood to be putting up with Sebek's antics. "Can I go back to sleep?"

"I see. So the Young Master just decided to let you into his personal chambers, is that it?" says Sebek with a sneer, obviously not believing you.

"Yes, that's what I did," says Malleus from behind him, holding the forgotten bowl of soup—now warmed up again—and looking incredibly unamused.

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