Chapter 2 Crossed

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Fu Mingyou, who was asleep, didn't know that because of his existence, Xia Yanxi was told by his parents.

    After all, a ger rescued a man and lived in the same room. If others knew, there would be some gossip.

    "Okay, the head of the family, Xixi is also kind."

    Mother Xia looked at her little brother and said to Father Xia, Xia Liren.

    Xia Liren was helpless, but just looked at Xia Yanxi: "Next time, if there is such a thing, you must tell daddy and let daddy come."

    Xia Yanxi immediately raised his lips and said, "Thank you daddy, I understand. "

    Because Fu Mingyou gave a lot of money, Xia Yanxi didn't dare to hide it from his parents, so he handed over the small piece of gold.

    "Don't worry about this matter, your father is here."

    Mother Xia looked at Xia Yanxi and continued: "You are almost fifteen this year, and you will be an adult in a few months, so you should see each other. I'm gone."

    "Mother, I don't want to get married, I want to stay at home with you."

    Xia Yanxi pouted slightly and leaned on his mother's body.

    He knew that as a ger, he would definitely get married.

    But he didn't want to, he didn't want to marry someone he had just met for a while or even met once.

    Xia Liren looked at the sky and said, "This matter is not urgent, it's almost noon now, let's eat first."

    "Yes, Dad, I'll cook."

    Xia Yanxi nodded immediately and rushed into the kitchen.

    Mother Xia glanced at her husband and then gave him a look: "You are used to him."

"Huiniang, we are just such a little brother, who are we not used to?"

    Xia Liren smiled and said naively .

    After he and Li Huiniang got married, they gave birth to a little ger. Although there was a boy after a lapse of more than ten years, the two did not ignore the older son because of the birth of the younger son.

    The corner of Li Huiniang's mouth raised a smile, and then she thought of something, and frowned: "Master, that piece of gold, you have to keep it, it belongs to Master Fu, don't let the people in the old house know, otherwise you will have to stop. It's over."

    "Huiniang, don't worry, I know what I know."

    Although Xia Liren was a bit simple and honest, he still had some shrewdness.

    They finally separated from the old house, how could they still want to get involved with the people in the old house.

    The family split a month ago, no, it should be said that they were kicked out of the house alone, the couple, still remember.

    When Fu Mingyou woke up, he smelled the fragrance of rice.


    Xia Liren asked with a smile as he looked at Fu Mingyou who was sitting up slowly.

    Fu Mingyou didn't answer, just looked at the other party with some doubts.

    "I'm Xia Liren, and it was my eldest son who saved you."

    Xia Liren briefly introduced himself, then put the food aside: "The doctor said that you have to take good care of you and help people to the end, these days, you just stay there. He is cultivated at home."

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now