Chapter 82

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Mu Xingzhou curiously wanted to open it to see what was inside, but Fu Mingyou stopped him with a smile, and said, "Wait until you guys go back, take a look again, I'll see it later, I'm worried that you will stay in my house and won't leave. ."

    When they heard this, everyone laughed.

    Xu Youan glanced at him helplessly and said, "If we don't want to leave, you won't be able to drive away."

    But since the other party said so, then they should go back and see.

    Fu Mingyou smiled, this time on Xiaotangyuan's birthday, he didn't buy wedding candy or anything, he could only use things to replace some return gifts. Others came to give small dumplings gifts, how could he let them go home empty-handed?

    After leaving, like Master Mengzi, they came as carriages, and when they returned, they were of course carriages.

    And Zhang Weiyu and Chen Zichen both came here on foot. Neither of them likes riding a carriage very much. They can exercise while walking, just take a walk.

    Zhang Weiyu and Chen Zichen's homes are in the same direction. When the two of them were almost halfway there, they remembered the bag in their hands and wanted to open it to take a look.

    "Zichen, let's open this thing and take a look. I'm really curious, what did Brother Fu give?"

    Zhang Weiyu said with a smile to Chen Zichen who was beside him.

    Chen Zichen paused, smiled and nodded, he was also a little curious about what was inside.

    After waiting for the contents inside, Chen Zichen and Zhang Weiyu looked at each other and were a little surprised.

    They drank that wine at noon today, so they knew each other. But there was another thing they knew, and they both knew it, and they knew it was worth a lot.

    This thing was sold in Mu Xingzhou's shop before. Although this is just a simple style, but even so, now there is no such thing in the whole capital, and neither does Mu Xingzhou's shop.

    But I didn't expect that Fu Mingyou would bring this thing over as a gift for them. I was really surprised.

    Chen Zichen looked at the contents, stunned, and said, "Since Brother Fu gave it to us, let's keep it, but don't spread it out."

    If everyone in the capital knew that this thing came from Fu Mingyou, the other party would life will surely be troubled.

    Now Chen Zichen also wants to understand, no wonder what Mu Xingzhou and Fu Mingyou said about the sale today, it turned out to be like this, I didn't expect Fu Mingyou to really hide it.

    Zhang Weiyu nodded and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I'm not the kind of person who talks nonsense." What's more, of course, this kind of treasure must be kept by himself, and no one will show it except his family.

    The two made an agreement and went straight home.

    Fu Mingyou hugged his son and pinched the other person's face: "Daddy has paid a lot for your birthday, and I will buy delicious food for Daddy in the future."

    "Eat, ah, eat."

    Little guy He stretched out his small hand, and the corners of his mouth dripped with liquid.

    Looking at the other party's appearance, Fu Mingyou couldn't help laughing.

    Fortunately, today is a ten-day vacation. I don't need to ask for leave, but when Murray finds him the day after tomorrow, he will need to ask for a half-day leave.

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now