Chapter 133 Seize the opportunity to publicize

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Everyone is wondering if these people have gone to the wrong place. The paradise is in the suburbs of Beijing, but not in the capital.

    "Dude, you don't know this."

    Just as someone was muttering, the elder brother who was carrying the burden smiled and continued: "I heard that the adults of our Hanlin Academy have obtained the bibliography required for the scientific examination. I read it in a sentence, which is convenient for many scholars to read. For many poor children, even without a teacher, they can learn by themselves, so they all come to buy books."

    "What else is there, brother, you and brother are good. Let me tell you, I happen to have a nephew who is seventeen or eighteen years old this year, and if I can, I will buy some for him as well." When

    the man heard this, he immediately leaned over, hoping that the other party could talk more.

    Because of the sentence reading, many scholars have come to the capital one after another. Although I said before that they will also be sold in other prefectures, many people can't wait any longer, so they came one after another, which also caused The people in Beijing are far too many.

    Regarding this grand occasion, Fu Mingyou didn't say anything, but silently asked Mu Xingzhou to increase his publicity for Xanadu. After all, some of these people came from afar, maybe they didn't know about this Xanadu. Since they are here, of course they have to have a good time.

    Mu Xingzhou also knew that there were a lot of scholars in the capital during this time. These scholars sometimes like to be arty. In the capital, there are not only food, but also a lot of delicious food and beautiful scenery. Let's go for a walk together.     Under the beautiful scenery, the little girl in the delicate dress was holding a lady's fan, in twos and threes, cute and moving, of course, it also attracted a lot of scholars' faces blushing and their eyes flickering.     "Mingyou, your move is really high."     Mu Xingzhou stretched out his hand towards Fu Mingyou. During the promotion, Fu Mingyou simply opened a temporary data store in Xanadu, of course. Managed by Mu Xingzhou, isn't it particularly beautiful that those scholars can buy what they want after visiting the paradise?

    Fu Mingyou smiled, squeezed the big cloak on his body, and said, "This can be considered a business strategy."

    It's still winter, the weather is still a little cold, and the scholars and young ladies who come and go are wearing thick clothes, but But how can not block the enthusiasm and lively atmosphere of these people.

    With the wide spread of the sentence reading, the test papers of the people in the Hanlin Academy are now almost done. After asking Prime Minister Chen for instructions, Fu Mingyou let people spread out that there are more important things to come out, so that people from other places will come out. Scholar don't leave for now.

    Although everyone has some doubts about what will come out next, everyone also knows that the bookstore's words are never groundless, and definitely have a purpose.

    Anyway, they have come, even if they stay in the capital for a while, it doesn't matter, so most of the scholars did not leave, and took a taste of the food in the capital.

    After Fu Mingyou released the words, Fu Mingyou stepped up to finish the prepared test paper, and then gave the test paper to the people in the workshop and started printing.

    "Oh, is this the printed test paper?"

    After the first batch of test papers were printed, the people of the Hanlin Academy gathered directly and watched the freshly released test paper.

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now