Chapter 44 Master Tianyi is coming

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With the ox cart, the rice that has been cut does not need to be pushed over and over again by the cart, but is directly placed on the ox cart and bundled together.

    In this way, the ox cart went back and forth twice, and the rice in the field was almost transported.

    "It's almost noon, let's go back to eat."

    Mr. Li looked at the sky and said to everyone immediately.

    The main reason is that I feel sorry for my few grandchildren and granddaughters. With Xia Liren and the others here today, the speed has been much faster.

    Everyone nodded and went straight home.

    When I was about to get home, I smelled the smell of meat.

    "Wow, it smells so good."

    Xiao Wu held Xiao Bao's hand, his eyes bright.

    Xiaobao also smiled and clapped his hands happily: "Brother, eat meat."

    Aunt Li also smelled the aroma of meat and put down the sickle in her hand: "Mother, little girl, we are back.

    " They smiled and said: "Dad, you are back, go wash your face, you can eat."

    Everyone smiled and went to wash their hands.

    After going to the main room, the people who had the table like that, the juniors sat at another table again.

    "A lot of meat."

    Xiao Wu was happy to see so many people on the table.

    When several daughters-in-law saw the meat, they knew that it must have been brought by the sister-in-law.

    "Children, let's eat, there is a lot of meat today."

    Mrs. Li looked at the children at the other table and said with a smile.

    Everyone nodded. The men had been working all morning and were already hungry. They ate white rice and meat, which was delicious.

    Due to the large number of people, Mother Xia cooked a full six dishes, four of which were meat.

    This time, Mother Xia bought a lot of meat, most of which were pork, about ten pounds, and some fish, enough for the Li family to eat for a while.

    "Xiao Bao, Xiao Wu, eat more."

    Xia Yanxi said with a smile as he served two small dishes.

    Because the living conditions at home are better now, and meat is eaten every day, Xia Yanxi doesn't feel anything, but other people don't eat meat often, and they are almost buried in their bowls.

    "Thank you Xixi Guoguo."

    Xiao Wu said inarticulately, eating the meat in big mouthfuls.

    "Huiniang, your family has already collected the rice, is it so fast?"

    After everyone had eaten seventy percent, the speed slowed down, and they could chat.

    Mother Xia smiled and said, "This year is quite special. Xixi's fiance also came to help and brought us a machine that is convenient for threshing." "Oh, is that     Xiaofu


I went, but I didn't talk much with Fu Mingyou.

    Xia Liren nodded with a smile, and then said, "I just brought the thresher today, and I'll show you the operation after eating."

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now