Chapter 152 Blind Bear

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Fu Mingyou's family played a lot of places along the way. By the time they arrived at Xiajia Village, it was almost September.

    "Uncle Huzi."

    As soon as he entered Xiajia Village, Xiaotangyuan was riding on a horse, and Huzi, who saw Huzi with sharp eyes, immediately greeted him.

    Every time I go back to Xiajia Village, Xiaotangyuan will follow Xiaobao and play with the children in the village. The best one is the tiger child of Xia Dagen's family.

    Huzi was walking home, and after hearing someone calling him, he turned around curiously, and then saw the little dumplings riding on the horse, and laughed happily: "Little dumplings??"

    "Yeah, Huzi. Uncle, it's me."

    Xiao Tangyuan smiled, then pointed to the carriage not far away, and said, "My father and Mu's father were in the carriage, and we came back from the capital." "Why is it so     early

    this year?"

The family members also come back often, but it is almost almost November, when they come back for the Chinese New Year.

    Xiao Tangyuan smiled and didn't say more, just said, "I came back earlier this year." In the

    middle of the conversation, the carriage had already stepped forward, and Hu Zi hurriedly followed Fu Mingyou and Xia Yanxi to say goodbye.

    He is a junior, and he has known them since he was a child. When he saw them at this time, if he didn't say hello, it would definitely be unreasonable.

    Xia Yanxi smiled gently, and then walked towards the house.

    Along the way, I saw a lot of villagers. When everyone found that Fu Mingyou and Xia Yanxi were back, they also stepped forward to say hello.

    Master Lin was basking in the sun at home, and when he heard some noise outside, he sent his little grandson out to have a look.

    "Master, it's Uncle Fu and the others who are back." After the

    little grandson asked about it, he immediately said to Master Lin.

    Hearing this, Master Lin immediately recovered his spirits. He supported his little grandson and walked out on crutches. Sure enough, he found Fu Mingyou and Xia Yanxi's carriage.

    "Grandpa Lin."

    Xiao Tangyuan stood aside and talked to Huzi. After seeing Master Lin, he immediately waved at him.

    "Sigh." Master Lin smiled. Now he is over eighty years old. There are not many people in the countryside who have such a long life. In addition, he has taught Fu Mingyou, and his status in Xiajia Village is also very high.

    "Master." Fu Mingyou was on the carriage when he saw Master Lin beside the road, he immediately got down and walked towards him.

    Master Lin smiled and said, "Why did you come back so early this year?"

    Fu Mingyou smiled and said, "The student has resigned, Your Majesty is benevolent and rewarded a prince, so I thought of coming back and resting."

    "Guo, Lord Guo??" Not only Master Lin, but everyone present was stunned and looked at Fu Mingyou in disbelief.

    This grandfather is amazing. Originally, there was a high-ranking official in their village, but it was already amazing, but now there is a grandfather.

    "It's not that exaggerated, it's just a name." Fu Mingyou smiled. It was really just a name. It was nothing to him, but in the eyes of ordinary people, it was indeed very powerful. .

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now