Chapter 16 Replacing lamps with ginseng

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Like Aunt Li and the others, Xia Liren's family who returned home were silent when they opened it and looked at the return gift inside.

    "This little Fu's return gift is a bit heavy."

    Xia Mu looked at the contents and sighed softly.

    Xia Liren smiled and said, "It's okay, we'll just remember this favor in the future." The

    housewarming banquet was over. Fortunately, Aunt Li and the others packed up everything when they left, and Fu Mingyou has nothing to do next. things are up.

    After washing up, Fu Mingyou returned to the room, closed the wooden windows, and turned on the lights placed in the room.

    When he designed the compound, he added a layer of wooden windows to the windows of his bedroom.

    In this case, he uses the lights inside, and it is invisible outside at night.

    Looking at the bright light, Fu Mingyou nodded, and sure enough, this kind of light is more comfortable to look at.

    The main reason is that the candle light is too small. When I was in Xia's house before, all candles were used. The light was sallow, and the time was long, which was not good for people's eyes.

    Thinking of this, Fu Mingyou came up with a good idea.

    Then, the plane system was opened directly.

    As far as he knows, there is already glass in this place, but the technology is not very good, most of them are yellow, and only a very small number of treasures, that is, transparent ones, are almost all contributed to the rich or dignitaries.

    Taking a look in the plane system, Fu Mingyou rummaged through the planes and finally found a plane that sold lights.

    Although the profit of glass is also very good, Fu Mingyou believes that the profit of this lamp is even more.

    Fu Mingyou: "Hello, I'm Fu Mingyou from the ancient plane, what kind of lamps do you have in your house?"

    At this point in time, in the current time, it's only a little over seven-thirty.

    The person on the other end responded quickly: "Hello Fu Mingyou, I'm Chen, there are many kinds of lamps in my house, and I will send you the pictures and introduction of each."

    Fu Mingyou: "Okay, thank you, But I only need solar charging, because I have no electricity here, if it is not solar charging, it is meaningless."

    There was no electricity in ancient times, and he had no way to invent electricity, which was still very important to him. difficult.

    However, he believes that future generations will have a solution to this difficulty.

Chen responded, and then sent pictures and introductions to the other party after charging all the solar energy.

    Fu Mingyou looked at them one by one. No matter which type they were, they all had their own characteristics, but they could all be solar-powered charging.

    Fu Mingyou: "Thank you, I want 1,000 for No. 1, 500 for No. 2 to 5, and 300 for No. 6."

    No. 1 is the easiest, and most wealthy people can afford it .

    Sizes 2 to 5 are slightly more complicated, but much more refined, and the price will definitely be slightly more expensive.

    No. 6 is the kind of floor-to-ceiling light, which is very good-looking and only for certain groups of people, so he only needs 300 units.

    Chen: "No problem, I'll transfer the goods to you tomorrow."

    Fu Mingyou: "Okay, what do you want to exchange?"

    There are a lot of things on his homepage, but most of them were sold in this world before. of.

    And a small part started to sell after they came here.

    Chen: "I want a piece of ginseng, you sold it before, but I haven't had time to grab it, but I hope the year is more than the one you sold before."

    Fu Mingyou raised his eyebrows, he did not expect the other party's request to be so Low, and then directly agreed: "Okay, I will give it to you tomorrow."

    He has the plane system, and he can scan the ginseng.

    It seems that he will go to the mountains tomorrow morning.

    After the two of them finished chatting, Fu Mingyou lay down on the table to write and draw.

    The furniture in his bedroom is all modern furniture, and ordinary people can't usually get in, so he is not worried.

    Now that he has decided to sell lights, he has to plan carefully.

    He is someone who has done business anyway, and he is very good at using and planning this kind of thing.

    The next morning, Fu Mingyou got up early.

    After breakfast, he packed up and went straight into the mountain.

    In Fu Mingyou's view, the mountain that Xiajia Village relies on is really a treasure mountain. Although there is nothing on the outside, there are still many things inside the mountain.

    After walking inside, Fu Mingyou found a few ginseng through scanning. Of course, he was not greedy and dug up two, one for the transaction, and one for the future just in case.

    Anyway, he had already entered the mountain, so Fu Mingyou walked around the mountain and saw a group of people hunting in the mountain.

Because Fu Mingyou had just arrived, he didn't know the person on the other side, he just watched for a day and then left.

    "Is that someone who just came from the village?"

    After seeing Fu Mingyou, everyone was a little curious.

    Because they were all hunters, they didn't help when they built the house before, and they didn't know the Xia Liren family very well, so they had only met Fu Mingyou until now.

    The man in the lead narrowed his eyes slightly and said solemnly: "No matter how much, let's go hunting."

    However, he looked in the direction of Fu Mingyou, but it was a little long.

    Fu Mingyou didn't care so much. After leaving everyone's sight, he actually took a slingshot out of the space from his cuff.

    Several stones were built everywhere, aiming at the pheasants not far away.

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