Chapter 23

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Murray nodded and said, "Fu Mingyou is a capable person. The advantages outweigh the disadvantages if you cooperate with him."

    Murray believed that Fu Mingyou would never succumb to this small village. people.

    "Uncle, when are you going back? Grandpa misses you very much."

    Mu Xingzhou said in a low voice, watching the other party wipe the tools.

    Murray stood up, took some things from the room, and said directly: "You go back to the second old man." Mu Xingzhou nodded, looked at the other party, and said: "Uncle,     are

    you still not going back?"

He hasn't been home for three years. In such a small village, God knows how much his uncle has suffered these days.

    Murray shook his head directly: "You go back first, and when the time comes, I will naturally go back." The

    other party has always had an idea, and Mu Xingzhou did not continue to persuade him, but just took the things the other party gave and left.

    After loading all the goods into the car, Fu Mingyou watched Mu Xingzhou leave, and he couldn't help but feel relieved.

    Next, it's time to do something big.

    The next day, Fu Mingyou went directly to the most famous matchmaker in town with a pound of sugar, a pound of meat, a pound of snacks, and five taels of broken silver.

    Fu Mingyou is not very clear about the local customs, but this does not prevent him from treating Xia Yanxi with the highest betrothal gift.

    "Young Master Fu, don't worry, I promise to handle this matter properly for you."

    Matchmaker Wang took the things sent by Fu Mingyou and directly stated that she would definitely be able to get it done.

    This Young Master Fu can say that after the matter is completed, she will also give her five taels of silver.

    You know, before she did a single business, it was only three or five taels at most, but now she has ten taels, and the meat that the other party brought over, so it's not too profitable.

    Fu Mingyou smiled and nodded, "Then trouble Aunt Wang."

    "Hey, you're welcome."

    Matchmaker Wang smiled, thinking that the little ger who could make Fu Ming swim in his heart must be a very good one.

    On the good day of the eighth day of the sixth lunar month, the matchmaker Wang took the things that Fu Mingyou bought and went directly into the Xia family.

    "Sister, I'm overjoyed."

    After seeing Mother Xia, Wang matchmaker immediately supported each other intimately.

Some people in Xiajia Village obviously knew Wang's matchmaker. The other party was a famous matchmaker in the town. They gathered outside Xia Liren's house, wondering who came to tell Xia Yanxi.

    "Matchmaker Wang, this is this?"

    Mother Xia obviously knew matchmaker Wang as well.

    Matchmaker Wang smiled and said, "My sister is very lucky. Today, I'm here to travel for Fu Ming to Young Master Fu, and to tell your ger Xia Yanxi that I'm here."

    "Oh my God? I'm going to say kiss to the ger of the Xia family."

    "Aiya, this Xia Liren family is lucky."

    "This boy Fu is a good one, and the ger of the Xia family is also a good one. The two of them get along very well."

    Mother Xia was stunned. Then looking at Fu Mingyou not far away, she was obviously surprised: "Let's go, let's talk inside the house." I

    didn't expect this boy Fu to move so fast, let alone, she was really reluctant.

    There is only such a little ger in the family, and she and the head of the family have loved and loved since childhood.

    Although the family is poor, the family is happy.

    Now that my little ger has reached his age, he should be a family.

    "Brother Fu, are you going to be my brother-in-law?"

    Xiaobao looked at Fu Mingyou happily and asked in a milky voice.

    Fu Mingyou picked him up, looked at the shy Xia Yanxi, and said, "Yes, is Xiaobao happy?"


    Xiaobao put his arms around Fu Mingyou's neck, and then said, "Brother must also like it."

    When Xia Yanxi heard this, he immediately gave his little brother a blank look, and said, "It's already three years old, are you didn't embarrassed to be hugged by someone?"

    "I'm not embarrassed."

    Xiaobao pouted and snorted.

    Because of the good food he ate during this time, Xiaobao has become white and tender to the naked eye, and he is more lovely.

    "Let's go, Xixi, let's go in."

    Fu Mingyou looked at Xia Yanxi and said with a smile.

    As the party concerned, Xia Yanxi certainly couldn't follow him in and went directly back to his room.

    In front of his mother and matchmaker, Xia Yanxi was embarrassed.

    Mother Xia took the matchmaker Wang into the main room, poured a glass of water for the other party, and said, "Sister Wang, drink tea."

Matchmaker Wang smiled, took the things Fu Mingyou prepared, and said directly: "Master Fu, I think Everyone in the village knows that he is a capable person. I believe that Xia Xiaoge will not suffer if he follows each other. Your little ger is also very good. In the future, the two of you will live happily with Meimei. You parents, Don't worry about it."

    As for this marriage, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the two are already in love with each other.

    Matchmaker Wang also inquired about it before she came. This Fu Mingyou is a capable person, and many people have followed his idea, but they didn't expect the other party to come to the Xia family to propose marriage.

    Mother Xia agreed with the point, smiled, and said, "Xiao Fu, I also understand, my little ger is also very good, I think they will be very happy in their little days in the future."

    She was still Think before, when will Fu Mingyou and his little brother settle down.

    Unexpectedly, the other party came directly to a surprise.

    "Haha, that girl just agreed to this marriage."

    Matchmaker Wang smiled, and then said: "Then let's change the Geng Tie. The eighth day of the eighth lunar month is a perfect day. I'll be waiting for your wedding wine."

    Mother Xia smiled directly: "Of course I agree. "

    This marriage, she has been very agree with from the beginning.

    "I don't agree."

    At this moment, Madam Xia walked over and said to the two of them.

    Matchmaker Wang was obviously a little confused, and said, "Who is this?"

    "This is the family's in-laws."

    The smile on Mother Xia's face faded a lot, but she introduced it politely.

    Matchmaker Wang is also an observant, and at a glance it can be seen that the relationship between the other party and her in-laws is not good.

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now