Chapter 37 Master Lin

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These days, the Xia family leaves early and returns late every day, which has long caught the attention of the people in the village, and the people in the old house are also guessing whether the Xia family has found any way to make a fortune.

    However, this time, Mrs. Xia learned to be smart and did not come to the door immediately, but quietly followed Xia Liren and his wife to the town.

    "Okay, these two couples don't know how to be filial to their parents after making money."

    Old Mrs. Xia looked at so many people buying things, and a calculation flashed in her eyes.

    So many people buy things, even if it is a penny a day, it is hundreds of dollars a day.

    "Mother, what should we do now?"

    Aunt Xia was also very jealous. I didn't expect the old people to start a small business. It must be the idea of ​​Fu Mingyou.

    Old Mrs. Xia squinted her eyes and said, "Let's go, let's go back first."

    Since she has earned so much money, it's time to honor her parents.

    At this time, the couple who were selling things didn't know what the old man was thinking. Fortunately, the couple were not weak people.

    Fu Mingyou had already inquired about it in the past two days, and then he prepared some things and went directly to Master Lin's house.

    "Big brother, who are you looking for?"

    Fu Mingyou went to Master Lin's house, which was considered a good one in Xiajia Village, and it was also a brick house.

    When he knocked on the door, a little guy who only reached Fu Mingyou's thigh, opened the door and looked at him suspiciously.

    Fu Mingyou smiled and said, "Hello, I'm here to find you, Master Lin."

    "Grandpa, grandpa, someone is looking for you."

    Xiaotong blinked, then immediately ran inside, calling his grandfather .

    Lin Fuzi, who was reading a book in the house, listened to the voice of his youngest grandson, and stroked his beard in confusion: "Big boy, who is looking for grandpa?"

    The eldest boy shook his head and said, "I don't know, he is a very tall big brother."

    Lin Fuzi lives near the village and has not seen Fu Mingyou very much, so it is normal for him not to know him.

    Fu Mingyou listened to the conversation and just smiled, and when he saw Master Lin come out, he smiled and cupped his hands: "Hello, Master Lin, I'm Fu Mingyou."

    Master Lin obviously heard of Fu Mingyou and nodded. , said: "Master Fu, please, do you know why Master Fu is looking for the old man?"

    Fu Mingyou followed and walked in, then stood aside, cupped his hands and said, "Master Lin, I came here hoping to follow you. He studied for the imperial examination."

    "You, what did you say?"

    Lin Fuzi almost spit out the tea he drank, looking at Fu Mingyou in disbelief.

    Did he hear it wrong or was he hallucinating?

    Fu Mingyou had obviously thought of the surprised look of Confucius Lin, so he just smiled: "I hope to study with Confucius Lin, this is a bunch of repairs."

    Since he is here today, he also intends to study with the other party. .

    "Master Fu, can you reach the crown?"

    Master Lin looked at the other party, was silent for a moment, then looked at the other party and said.

    Fu Mingyou shook his head and said, "Next year will be the year of the crown."

    He didn't look like he was almost thirty now, and he would be less than twenty if he died.

    Master Lin stroked his beard, but said, "You know that the road to the imperial examination is particularly difficult. Since you are on the verge of reaching the crown, you must know that it is much slower than others."

    He didn't know why Fu Mingyou suddenly wanted to study Taking the imperial examinations, he has also heard some of the words in the village these days.

    Fu Mingyou smiled and said, "Kung fu pays off."

    Master Lin looked at the other party, then smiled, and said, "Okay, since that's the case, then from tomorrow, you can come and study. I think you should have already bought the things you need?"

    This person is not simple . , Master Lin has never been a person who looks at people on the outside. Since the other party wants to learn, as long as there is this heart, it will be better than everything.

    Fu Mingyou smiled and bowed his hands: "Master, tomorrow the students will come to the door."

    After the other party left, Mrs. Li, Master Lin's wife, came out of the house.

    "What a handsome descendant."

    Li smiled and sat aside: "I didn't expect the other party to want to study."

    During this time, although they were far away from the center of the village's public opinion, they would still hear some words. Of course, he also knew that Mr. Fu was not an ordinary person.

    "Hmph, I feel worse than I am when I'm younger."

    Master Lin stroked his beard unhappily. Why didn't he see the other party compliment him so much when he was young?

    Li shi glanced at the other party helplessly, and then brought over the basket that Fu Mingyou was holding, and froze instantly: "Old man, your student seems to have given a lot of things?"

    This is a heavy one?

    "Wow, grandma, there's a lot of meat." The

    eldest boy lifted the cloth on the basket with a look of surprise.

    Lin Fuzi and his wife were also very surprised. They didn't expect the other party to send so many things.

    There are three or four pounds of meat alone, as well as some sugar, pastries, and some eggs.

    These things come down, but not less than a hundred articles.

    "Oh, it's too much, let him take it back tomorrow."

    Master Lin said immediately after seeing so many things.

    He is a kind person and will not accept so many bundles from others.

    "Isn't it hurting to go back? In the future teaching, you can put more effort into it, and there should be no shortage of Fu Xiaozi."

    Li did not agree, since he was going to accept the other party as a student, It's not good to go back.

    What's more, Fu Mingyou himself is not lacking. Since his heart is here, it is better to accept this feeling and teach him seriously.

    After thinking about it, Master Lin agreed. Looking at his greedy grandson, he squeezed a piece of cake for him: "Look, you're greedy."

    But, don't say, this snack tastes really good.

    Fu Mingyou accomplished a big thing and went back directly.

    Next, he will be ready to study hard. Xia Liren's small business is doing well now, and he doesn't need to worry about it at all.

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now