Chapter 12 The Old House Comes

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After Xia Daniu left, Fu Mingyou took a look at his new house.

    After looking around for a while, Fu Mingyou looked at Xia Liren who was beside him and said, "Uncle, is there anyone in town who specializes in building houses? I want to find someone to build houses according to my drawings."

    "There are many people in town. It costs money, the people in our village can do it, but you need to explain the drawings."

    Xia Liren said immediately when he knew that Fu Mingyou wanted to invite someone.

    People in their villages build houses. If they hire people who specialize in building houses, it will cost a lot of money.

    Looking at the other side, Fu Mingyou couldn't help but smile and said, "Okay, then, Uncle Xia, please help me find some people. You decide the price. I don't know much about it.

    " I don't know enough, but he really needs to explain it at that time. After all, the drawings he designed still have some modern elements.

    Xia Liren agreed, and the two chatted while walking. Fu Mingyou looked forward to the future even more.

    It's March, and spring is here, so it's almost time to start building a house.

    Knowing that Fu Mingyou is looking for someone to build a house, the people in the village are very happy. After all, if they help Fu Mingyou build a house, they will also have extra income, which is also a very happy thing for them. .

    Fu Mingyou is not a stingy person, and he will have roots in this village in the future. He will give some small favors to the people in the village, and give everyone a kind of money that he used up from selling ginseng and wild boars before. illusion.

    After designing the drawings of the yard, Fu Mingyou handed it over to Xia Liren and asked the other party to help with this matter.

    The other party has been in the village for so many years, and he knows the bottom line. Of course, the people who come to help are loyal and honest.

    Fu Mingyou wanted to build a house with red bricks and green tiles, and asked the following people how much these things were sold in the town, and they sent them directly to the village.

    Xia Liren originally thought that the other party was just building an earthen house, but he didn't expect to build a brick house. He was suddenly very surprised, but fortunately he knew how much money the other party had on him, so he agreed after thinking about it. After all, he might build a bigger house. Better to find a wife.

    Xia Liren was in charge of the price, while Fu Mingyou asked Xia Mu and Aunt Li to cook three meals in the morning, noon and evening, and even went to a big pig farmer to order a pig to feed everyone.

    If you want everyone to work harder, of course, you can't save on eating.

    "Uncle Dagen, do you want to add another bowl of soup?"

Xia Yanxi looked at Xia Dagen not far away and asked with a smile.

    Xia Dagen is Aunt Li's husband, and the other party's son Huzi is also three or four years old, and he is playing with Xiaobao not far away.

    "Okay, thank you Xixi."

    Xia Dagen nodded immediately, and then stretched out the bowl toward him.

    The other workers on the side came over immediately upon seeing this, wanting to drink another bowl of soup.

    They worked all morning, and they were so thirsty that

    Xia Yanxi packed soup for everyone, then smiled, and said, "My mother said that we should eat Chinese cabbage, pork, roasted pork, and beef for lunch. After eating the steamed buns and rice with white noodles, you can eat in an hour."

    "Hahaha, after everyone rests, hurry up to work and eat meat at noon."

    Xia Dagen smiled and pointed to the ground not far away. said the crowd.

    "Okay, okay, eat meat."

    "This kid Fu is not bad, he is a very real person."

    "Yes, I eat well in the morning, and I am full of energy at work."

    Everyone said with a smile. , After resting for a while, he started working again in full swing.

    Xia Yanxi packed up her things, and then returned to her home with Xiaobao and Huzi.

    Fu Mingyou is calculating the time it will take to build the house. He is not worried about the money, so the workers are looking for more.

    Since he wants to live here, of course, the sooner the house is built, the better.

    "Everyone's, everyone's."

    Just when Mother Xia was about to cook, people from the old house came.

    Mother Xia, who was cooking in the kitchen, sank when she heard the voice, but turned and went out.

    "Mother, what's the matter with you?"

    Mother Xia wiped her hands on the apron, looked at the two people at the door, and asked blankly.

    The old lady Xia looked at the other party and said, "I heard that the boss is helping to build a house? Twenty wen a day? Let your father and second brother also go."

    Twenty wen a day is not a small number.

    I heard that the house will be built for at least a month, and that month is 600 yuan, but it is better than working as a temporary worker in the town to make money.

    What's more important is that even if there is no meat, there is also broth, so let the second and the old man also go, wouldn't it save a lot of rice.

    "This is the house built by Xiao Fu. We have no choice but to help."

    Of course, mother Xia would not take this matter down. Father-in-law and Xia Liyi were both cheating. I went to help, maybe I just ate all the money and didn't do anything.

    Hearing the other party's refusal, Mrs. Xia's face changed immediately, her eyebrows were cold: "Aren't you his saviour? Shouldn't the other party have done such a trivial matter? Wouldn't that save him in vain?

    " I heard that the old man was able to get that kid from the mountain, and she was thinking of taking advantage of the old man's life-saving grace to get some benefits from the other party.

    "Whether Uncle Xia's family saved me in vain is none of your business." At this moment, Fu Mingyou came back from outside and sneered: "But, there is one thing I'm sure about, I won't let your family eat. rice."

    He had learned from the few words of the people in the village before that the people in the Xia family's old house were not good things.

    Although Fu Mingyou has kindness, he doesn't have kindness towards such people.

    "Aiyo, you are the boy Fu."

    The old lady Xia was about to show her power, but when she saw Fu Mingyou, her eyes lit up and she looked at him kindly.

    Unexpectedly, this boy Fu is so handsome, and the eldest girl of the second family has also reached the stage of talking about kissing. She is so handsome and capable. If she becomes her grandson-in-law, wouldn't she be able to take advantage of it?

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now