Chapter 30 Engagement Banquet

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Regardless of what happened to the Mu family in the capital, Fu Mingyou, who was in Xiajia Village at this time, took the matchmaker directly to hire him after getting everything ready.

    This process is very fast, and the two have discussed it before, so this time it is just to go through the form.

    Because Fu Mingyou was an orphan, this time he directly hired himself.

    Xiajia Village is very lively today, mainly because Fu Mingyou went to Xiajia to hire him.

    Of course, it wasn't this matter that attracted everyone, but the dowry gift prepared by Fu Mingyou, which was really very rich.

    "Sister, I'm overjoyed to have such a good brother-in-law. I'll wait and enjoy the happiness in the future,"

    Wang matchmaker said with a smile as she pulled Mother Xia affectionately.

    In such a short period of time, matchmaker Wang has learned that Fu Mingyou is generous and rich.

    Ordinary people, it is very good to have five taels of silver. This Fu Mingyou actually prepared fifty taels. At the same time, there are some silver hairpins, silver bracelets, lamps, and a fat wild boar. This betrothal gift is really very special. Amazing.

    "As long as the children are happy, enjoying the happiness or not is secondary."

    Mother Xia said with a smile, as long as Xia Yanxi and Fu Mingyou lived happily together, she would be satisfied.

    "Uncle, auntie, I will definitely treat Xixi well."

    Fu Mingyou cupped his hands towards the two and said softly.

    Xia Liren glanced at the other party, but in front of so many people, he also gave the other party face, just said: "That's good, if you dare to bully Xixi, I will never let you go."

    "I believe Xiao Fu will definitely treat Xixi well."

    Mother Xia smiled, and then asked Xiaobao to call Xia Yanxi out, and she had to have lunch at home for a while.

    Because it was an engagement banquet, the Xia family invited some people, and among them, there were people from the old house.

    Although the relationship between the two sides is not very good, Xia Liren is still the son of Mr. Xia and the others. There is no way to change this.

    The people in the Xia family's old house were sitting at the main table. After all, they were relatives of Xia Yanxi, and this could not be avoided.

    Because of the previous incident, Mrs. Xia's nose towards Fu Mingyou was not her nose and her eyes were not eyes, but the old man on the side was indeed smiling.

    "Xiao Fu, you have to treat Xixi well."

    Mr. Xia looked at Fu Mingyou with a smile and said with a smile.

    Fu Mingyou looked at the old man Xia with the same expression, but he was slandering in his heart. This old man is indeed a shrewd person. After so many years of business, Fu Mingyou can see at a glance that this old man is not a good person. He's the kind of person who's more of a disguise.

    "That's inevitable. In my life, I look down on anyone except Xixi."

    Fu Mingyou looked at the other party seriously and said with a smile.

    The wine glass in the old man's hand was eaten, and he quickly covered it up: "That's good, that's good."

    Today's engagement banquet is very rich in dishes, and most of the wild boar that Fu Mingyou brought over has been taken. .

    But it's hot now, and the wild boar won't be around for long. If it wasn't for Fu Mingyou's golden fingers, the wild boar would have been broken long ago.

    Everyone who came to the feast today ate very well.

    Fu Mingyou ate quickly, and then directly took care of Xia Yanxi and Xiaobao to eat.

    Mother Xia on the side looked at Fu Mingyou's movements with satisfaction in her eyes.

    Xiaobao didn't feel anything, but Xia Yanxi felt a little embarrassed, even though they were already engaged.

    The old lady Xia opposite looked at Fu Mingyou's actions and rolled her eyes.

    For the engagement banquet this time, Fu Mingyou also invited Murray and the others to come over. Anyway, he also helped himself. In addition, he didn't know many people in the village, so he could also act as a face.

    "Brother Fu, congratulations."

    Mu Han looked at Fu Mingyou and smiled, and then said, "When are you going to get married?"

    Now that the marriage has been decided, it is estimated that the marriage will be soon.

    Fu Mingyou smiled and said, "Two months later, when the time comes, you can admire your face."

    "I will definitely go."

    Murray nodded directly. Although he had known people for a while, Murray had a very accurate eye on people. It's a fun one to make friends with.

    After everyone left, Fu Mingyou didn't stay at Xia's house much, mainly because he wanted to help clean up, but Xia's mother and Xia Yanxi refused to let him, so helplessly, they played with Xiaobao for a while and then went back directly.

    Today, Fu Mingyou also drank some wine, but the concentration of the wine is not high. For Fu Mingyou, it is simply trivial.
It would be an exaggeration to say that a thousand cups do not get drunk, but with a few dozen cups of ancient wine, Fu Mingyou really has no problem. Compared with his own wine, it is far worse.

    After returning, Fu Mingyou immediately prepared to rest for a while.

    He is going to go to the market tomorrow to buy some things to use as a bundle of repairs, and to ask Master Lin to be his teacher.

    Since he decided to take the imperial examination, he must find a teacher, but he also doesn't want to go to the town to study, so Mr. Lin in the village is the best choice.

    In addition, he is not a nerd. Apart from the necessary studies, he will continue to do business. Of course, this business is not done by himself, but through Xia Liren and others.

    After resting, Fu Mingyou took out the pen and paper and began to write and draw.

    It's July now, and the lamp Mu Xingzhou took will definitely sell out, so he doesn't have to worry.

    All he had to do was to find a livelihood for the Xia family.

    Now in the early summer, many people have a bad appetite, and there are rich people in the town. It is also very good to make some snacks.

    After a few rounds in his heart, Fu Mingyou probably knew what he could sell.

    The next day, Fu Mingyou got up early. Of course, he didn't go alone, but asked Xia Yanxi to go with him to see if the other party had anything he wanted to buy.

    "Xixi, let's take an ox cart."

    Fu Mingyou saw an ox cart approaching, he directly took out four copper plates and dragged Xia Yanxi to the ox cart.

    Xia Yanxi looked at the other party's actions, and before he could stop it, the other party gave the copper plate.

    "Sit down."

    The uncle who was driving the ox cart swung his whip, and the ox cart started to move slowly.

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now