Chapter 118 Everyone is excited

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Fu Mingyou didn't know what everyone was thinking, and after there was no sound inside, Fu Mingyou said sternly: "The next auction is the section of the road from Li Country to Chen Country on the left, from Xiahui City to the junction of Chen Country, 500,000 yuan. Start the shooting, and increase the price by no less than 10,000 each time."

    Just after Fu Mingyou's voice fell, the voice of indecision sounded.

    I don't know if it's because of His Majesty's presence, the people present were very excited, and the price of this road soon reached 800,000.

    "Eighty-seven thousand." The

    famous cloth merchant owner said directly with a sign. However, this price is a bit high for other people to come to the capital. After Fu Mingyou counts to three, he will directly settle in the hands of the cloth merchant owner. in.

    "Congratulations to Boss Zeng, the auction below is the famous glass screen in the palace, please take a look."

    After the guard took out the glass screen, he introduced it directly and carefully.

    Everyone looked at the screen in front of them, and their mouths grew in amazement. This screen is really super beautiful. When placed in the room, it will definitely add a color to the room.

    Of course, this screen could not be higher than His Majesty's starting price, and finally landed at a famous jewelry merchant at the price of 180,000 taels. The other party took it for his mother. After all, the merchant still knew that his mother liked this kind of thing very much. .

    The auction went on little by little, and when the roads leading to other countries were auctioned, Fu Mingyou was mainly the road sections in the key areas of the auction.

    They just auctioned some, after all not all roads are suitable for business.

    When Fu Mingyou said that the road in the suburbs of Beijing also needed to be auctioned, many people began to bid, but some people didn't really care about that road. After all, their home was not in Beijing. There may be some troubles along the way.

    "The starting price of this road in the suburbs of Beijing is 200,000 taels, and the increase is not less than 10,000 taels each time."

    Fu Mingyou smiled. He didn't tell everyone that Beijing Suburbs would start rectification next, but the price indicated that it would never be that simple.

    After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but be a little surprised. Everyone present was also a good businessman, commonly known as the old fox. After thinking about it carefully, they knew that there must be something going on in the suburbs of Beijing.

    However, some people have already spent a lot of money on auctioning other sections of the road before, so they are somewhat intentional and powerless on this section of the road.

    "Twenty-eight thousand."

    Mu Xingzhou immediately raised a sign after hearing other people's bidding.

    He is not short of money now, and there is only one goal for him, and the rest are indifferent to him.

    Fu Mingyou just stood on it, watching everyone increase the price bit by bit.

    Everyone here also knows Mu Xingzhou. Knowing that the other party's house is in the capital, he must have an idea. Therefore, many people have a good attitude and did not bid too much. The price of two has been sold.

    For this price, Mu Xingzhou is still very satisfied. Before the auction, Fu Mingyou told him that as long as the auction was made, he would definitely not lose money, so Mu Xingzhou dared to be so bold.

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now