Chapter 36 Let's Learn Characters Together

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  Fu Mingyou smiled and said, "Don't worry, there are still rich people in the town. A few cents are nothing to them."

    Compared with the previous smoothies, this popsicle contains more ingredients. And this thing is more convenient than the previous smoothie, just take it and eat it.

    "That's right." Xia Yanxi smiled, and then said: "Then I will sell this thing tomorrow, maybe it will sell well."

    Fu Mingyou nodded and told the other party carefully.

    Because people here can't afford milk very much, there is no milk in the village. Otherwise, Fu Mingyou can make ice cream, which tastes more like to drink.

    Although it can't be sold in mass production, it's still possible to make some for Xia Yanxi and Xia Xiaobao.

    "Xixi, do you know who has dairy cows near our village?"

    Fu Mingyou looked at the other's face and Xia Xiaobao. Milk is good for people's health and provides nutrition.

    Hearing this, Xia Yanxi thought for a while and said, "I know there is a cow in Lijia Village next door. Brother Fu, do you want to drink milk?"

    The smell of that thing is a bit unpleasant, so ordinary people rarely drink it. .

    Fu Mingyou smiled and shook his head: "That thing can make popsicles, and it's delicious. I want to make some for you to try."

    Although his system still stores ice cream, just in case. Or don't take it out, make some and see for yourself.

    "Brother Fu, is it really delicious?"

    Xia Xiaobao asked with bright eyes as soon as he heard it.

    Fu Mingyou nodded and stroked the other person's hair: "I'll give you a taste tomorrow."

    It's too late to do it now, wait until tomorrow morning to buy some.

    Both brothers were looking forward to it, and Fu Mingyou also wanted to go back and watch the tutorial.

    After playing with the two of them for a while, Fu Mingyou     directly took the book he bought and said, "Xiaobao, Xixi, come, I'll teach you to read."

    For Fu Mingyou, the Three-Character Classic of Li was no problem.

    "Wow, Big Brother Fu, it's really amazing that you can read. Can I really learn?"

    Xia Xiaobao got excited, looked at the other party and asked.

    "Of course."

    Fu Mingyou nodded with a smile, "Xixi, you are also together, let's study together."

    Xia Yanxi nodded heavily: "Okay." The

    three of them learned slowly, "People are inherently good at the beginning... ..."

    Fu Mingyou didn't think about eating into a fat man in one bite, and took his time.

    When the sun hadn't set in the afternoon, Mother Xia and his wife came back. "Father, mother."

    After seeing two people, Xia Yanxi and Xia Xiaobao immediately greeted them.

    Xia Liren looked at the two of them and smiled, and said, "We're back."

    "Father and mother, take a break, I've already prepared the meal." Xia Yanxi said with a smile.

    Xia Xiaobao also jumped over and said, "Mother, Dad, today Big Brother Fu taught my brother and I to write."

    Hearing this, Xia Liren looked at Fu Mingyou in surprise and said excitedly, "Little Fu , thank you so much, do you need anything?" I

    didn't expect that the other party would be willing to teach Xiaobao to read, that's literacy, how wonderful.

    You must know that there are not many people who can read in the village. If Xiaobao can recognize a few more characters, it will be good for the other party in the future.

    "Uncle, you're welcome."

    Fu Mingyou smiled indifferently.

    The family had dinner, and Fu Mingyou didn't participate in the counting of the money, so he went back directly.

    After returning to his house, Fu Mingyou opened the plane system and checked to see if anyone was looking for him to trade.

    But I don't know if it's because his space has changed now, and there are not many people looking for him to trade, but Fu Mingyou doesn't care.

    In the next few days, Xia Liren and his wife would go to the town to buy popsicles and smoothies, until one afternoon, they brought Rong Fanghai's family of three.

    "Wow, there's a little brother here."

    Song Nannan, also the nickname of Rong Fanghai's son, looked at the three-year-old Xiaobao, his eyes lit up.

    It was the first time he saw a child younger than himself.

    "Master, please make a trip, there are only a few popsicles left. You don't need to give money, just take them and eat them."

    Xia Liren looked at the few popsicles left at home, and it was not worth asking for money. .

    These few days, their stuff is very popular in the town, five or six hundred yuan a day, which is much more than what he earns in a day working as a coolie.

    Rong Fanghai smiled. Said : "I can't, I'll give it back."

    Saying that, he stuffed a few pennies into Xia Liren's convenience.

    It happened that Fu Mingyou came from outside and was a little surprised to see a family of three with a servant girl, but Xia Yanxi explained it to him in time.

    "Uncle and aunt, I just went up the mountain. This is the pheasant I beat. I'm cooking and eating it at night."

    Fu Mingyou put the pheasant that had fainted and tied in his hand aside and said with a smile.

    "Brother Fu is amazing, and Xiaobao also wants to learn to hunt."

    Xiaobao has no idea about the little brother who just came to the house. There are many companions in the village, so he won't think there is anything new.

    But Fu Mingyou's hunting really made him feel very powerful, too powerful.

    Fu Mingyou stretched out his hand and pinched the other's little face, and said, "Hunting is very hard, does Xiaobao want to learn?"

    "Yes, Brother Huzi also definitely wants to learn."

    Xiaobao nodded in a milky voice, and Mother Xia, who was watching, shook her head helplessly.

    Rong Fanghai on the side looked at the extraordinary Fu Mingyou, slightly different, and said, "Brother Xia, who is this?"

    "Master Rong, this is Fu Mingyou, my little brother's fiance."

    Xia Liren smiled He smiled and looked at Fu Mingyou again: "Xiao Fu, this is Mr. Rong, who came to buy popsicles at home."

    Fu Mingyou nodded and said nothing.

    Rong Fanghai knew that the time had not come yet, so he didn't stay any longer.

    Fu Mingyou's eyesight was accurate. He felt that the family of three was definitely not a simple person, but since the other party said they were here to buy popsicles, he wouldn't say much.

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