Chapter 3 Hit the wild boar

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"Xixi, I'm in good health. In the morning tomorrow, I'll go up the mountain with you to find food."

    As a big man, Fu Mingyou's health is fine now. Eating and working hard.

    "Brother Fu, you are still weak. It's too dangerous to go up the mountain."

    Xia Yanxi said with a serious face, disapprovingly.

    Fu Mingyou smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm really good."

    He has been training here for almost a month, and the gold he gave before, this family probably spent on him. .

    "Okay, then you follow me tomorrow and don't run around."

    Xia Yanxi saw that he really had nothing left, and his expression was very firm, so he was embarrassed to refuse again.

    The next morning, Fu Mingyou followed Xia Yanxi out.

    Because he was injured before and his clothes were different from theirs, Xia Liren gave his clothes to the other party.

    It was not until Xia Yanxi bought ready-made clothes for Fu Mingyou from the market that the other party had the clothes here.

"It's too dangerous in the mountains, you mustn't walk around."

    Xia Yanxi was worried that the other party was curious and ran around in the mountains, it would be too dangerous.

    Fu Mingyou smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will follow you closely."

    Xia Yanxi's face blushed when he heard this.

    The two walked around in the mountains. Because it would be more than March, it was really early spring, so there were not many wild vegetables, let alone fruits.


    Fu Mingyou heard a babble, and immediately made a silence sign for Xia Yanxi.

    Xia Yanxi didn't understand a little, but still obeyed the other party's words and quietly detoured behind.

    After the two had walked more than ten meters, they found a small wild boar not far away, looking for wild vegetables to eat.

    Fu Mingyou's eyes lit up. This is a wild boar. You must know that during his time in the Xia family, although he also ate meat, compared to the meat he ate before, it can be ignored. Just hungry to death.

    "Don't move, I'll deal with it."

    Fu Mingyou had learned Taekwondo, and his level was not bad, and when he came today, he specially took out the big knife that he had placed in the plane space.

    This was exchanged when I made a deal with a blacksmith before. The other party made things that are not only very light, but also very sharp.

    Now that he saw the wild boar, of course Fu Mingyou would not let the other party escape.

    Xia Yanxi looked at the thing in the other party's hand and understood, no wonder the other party took it out from a strange bag before. It turned out to be a knife, and it looked sharp.

    Although Xia Yanxi goes up the mountain on weekdays, he basically picks up wild vegetables. Sometimes he makes traps and catches some little pheasants and hares, but he really doesn't dare to attack the wild boars, so he is worried about his own life. no more.

Fu Mingyou stepped forward directly, took the machete, and charged forward.

    This little wild boar is not big, only two or three hundred pounds, and it looks like it should come out for food.

    Today's luck is good. Fu Mingyou feels that even if there is less meat, it is still meat.

    Xia Yanxi knew that his strength would definitely hold his back, so he kept hiding behind, holding a sharpened wooden stick in his hand, helping to poke it from time to time.

    Although it doesn't work, it can do some damage to wild boars.

    Fu Mingyou's skills are still very good, at least when facing this little wild boar, he is still able to handle it with ease.

    With a machete in his hand, Fu Mingyou slashed a few times on the wild boar. The pain caused the wild boar to whimper in pain and rush towards the other side frantically.

    Xia Yanxi, who was not far away, looked at the crazy wild boar, his heart was about to be smashed, and he was very nervous.

    Looking at the wild boar rushing over, Fu Mingyou not only did not retreat, but instead rushed up, moved his body, and wiped the wild boar's neck directly.

    After the wild boar was wiped on its neck, it let out a cry, then fell to the ground, twitched a few times, and stopped moving.

    Xia Yanxi walked over and looked at the wild boar with bright eyes: "Brother Fu, you are really amazing." I didn't expect that the other party was not even afraid of wild boar and could kill it. I felt better than the hunters in the village. Must be great.

    Fu Mingyou smiled and said, "Then let's go back first."

    Because there are wild boars, it is not suitable to continue looking for things in the mountains.

    Xia Yanxi nodded immediately, with bright eyes: "Brother Fu, do you know martial arts?"

    Otherwise, how could the other party turn around?

    It's like what you call martial arts.

    Fu Mingyou shook his head with a smile, and said, "I'm not martial arts, I already have physical skills, and I have no inner strength."

    He really has no inner strength, after all, he only learned taekwondo before.

    Xia Yanxi smiled and said, "That's also very powerful."

    Much more powerful than him, if he saw wild boars on weekdays, let alone go forward, it would be good if he didn't run.

    The two of them glanced at the wild boar in front of them, discussed it for a while, and dragged one foot each, dragging one foot down towards the mountain.

They didn't call anyone. This little wild boar only weighed 200 jins to death. Maybe it was hungry, and it didn't look very fat.

    But these meats are already very good for the Xia family.


    Fu Zhiyu looked at Xia Yanxi and said softly.

    Xia Yanxi shook his head and said, "I'm not tired. Fortunately, the wild boar doesn't bleed very much, otherwise it would be troublesome to have blood all over the floor."

    Fu Mingyou smiled and looked at the wild boar's neck wrapped in weeds. , walked calmly and freely.

    He just didn't want the other party to clean up the bloodstains behind him, so he sharpened the vine with the thickness of his thumb, sewed up the wound, and then wrapped it in hay again and again to ensure that no blood would drip. going down.

    Although it is a bit troublesome, it is much better than staying bloody all the way.

    After going down the mountain, almost all the people in the village got up and prepared to go to work in the fields.

    When they watched Fu Mingyou and Xia Yanxi lift the wild boar panting, their eyes widened.

    "God, brother  Xi is amazing."

    "Is this a wild boar, I didn't expect that Brother Xi would hit a wild boar?"

    "This wild boar is not very fat."

    After seeing Xia Yanxi, the people in the village, Immediately speaking, he was talking.

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now