Chapter 89 Zhang Daniu

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After the ice cream shop officially opened, Fu Mingyou basically didn't care much. With Aunt Li and the others here, it was very convenient to know what to do and how to sell.

    Because Aunt Li and the others were selling ice cream, and there were fewer servants in the family, Fu Mingyou bought a few maids at the Yaxing, mainly because the little dumplings will be gone now, and they still need someone to watch.

    Because there are many rich people in the capital, Fu Mingyou really made a lot of money by relying on ice cubes.

    And Murray has been making those things at home these days. Those medicines and alcohol are not easy to make. It will be more than a month after he and Li Junyi research it.

    "Brother Fu, come and take

    a look at these things." As soon as the things were made, Murray directly invited Fu Mingyou to go to the house, and these things had to be shown to the other party.

    Looking at the things in front of him, Fu Mingyou couldn't help but smile, and said, "Brother Mu, Li Junyi, you are really amazing."

    Unexpectedly, in just a short month, two people put these things together It has been done, and there must have been a lot of attempts before.

    Murray smiled and said, "In the past month or so, we have made a lot of attempts, and it is not just the two of us, but the result of the joint efforts of many people."

    Li Junyi nodded in agreement, and then looked at Fu. Mingyou: "Mr. Fu, please take a look. Are these medicines the same as the medicines in your family?"

    They had tried a lot before, and finally prepared the prescription that Fu Mingyou gave them.

    Fu Mingyou nodded, and then directly picked up the alcohol on the side, first smelled it, and then put it on his hand and smeared it. It was exactly the same as alcohol.

    "This alcohol is the same." Fu Mingyou smiled, then looked at the medicine beside him, and said, "Just looking at the surface, I don't know if it's the same, why don't you test it with animals first, if the effect is the same, then There's no problem."

    As long as some small animals can also use it, there should be no problem in using it on humans.

    They have tested them many times in a few days, and there should be no problem. Fu Mingyou also has no special abilities. From the surface, he really can't tell whether the medicine is the same as the one he took before.

    "We happened to see an injured kitten before, and we took a look at the other party's disease. We found that medicine is also useful for kittens, whether it is anti-inflammatory or antibiotics."

    This point, Murray thought about it before, so he tested it before that.

    Fu Mingyou smiled knowingly and said, "Then there should be no problem."

    As long as the other party has tested it, there should be no problem.

    Murray responded with a smile, and then took out a box from the side: "You gave us the prescription before, and the sage said it was a compliment for you."

    This matter cannot be announced yet, so Fu Mingyou can only be wronged. .

    Fu Mingyou did not expect that Murray would even tell His Majesty about this matter, so he couldn't help but smile and said, "Thank you, Brother Mu."

    Although these rewards were nothing to Fu Mingyou, he was able to be in the It is also very beneficial for his future occurrence to leave a name in front of His Majesty.

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now