Chapter 114 Cement and waterwheel

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All the adults have tasted Fu Mingyou's food and thought it was good, but they didn't eat too much, after all, it was Fu Mingyou's food.

    If they finished eating, Fu Mingyou might be starving. Of course, fortunately, Aunt Li prepared a lot of food, and Fu Mingyou couldn't finish it all by himself, so he still entertained a few adults very warmly. Get up and try these things.

    They can rest in the yard after having lunch. There is a pavilion outside where they can bask in the sun. It is autumn now, it is not so hot, and everyone does not feel the sun.

    At this moment, His Majesty was looking at what Lord Cen had given him before, and he hurriedly ate lunch before, and he couldn't stop for a moment.

    This thing is really wonderful. He feels that if it is implemented, it will be very good for the people and the country of Li.

    "Come here, go and call Mu Shangshu, Cen Shangshu, and Prime Minister Chen into the palace."

    His Majesty said to the father-in-law beside him, he had to consult with several ministers, and he could not decide this matter alone.

    After going down to court before, His Majesty watched for a long time in the study, and the more he looked, the more surprised he became.

    But this thing is really very good, but we have to discuss with everyone, how to maximize the effect of these things, to maximize the benefit of the country of Li, and to be useful to the people.

    These ministers are all very wise and intelligent. They were all left to him by the previous emperor. Your Majesty still trusts them. These adults are all ministers of the humerus, and they are very upright and honest, and they are also highly praised by His Majesty. trust.     The serving chief responded immediately, and then sent someone to invite a few adults. Apart from Chen Chengda and Prime Minister Chen, the other two adults are in the palace, which is more convenient.     After the Prime Minister finished his lunch, he heard someone in the palace come to invite him, and immediately asked the servants to prepare a sedan chair, and then went into the palace.     After the three adults came, His Majesty directly handed them the things in his hands and said, "Lord, take a look, this thing is what Fu Mingyou thought, and I also saw it, it is really very, very It's wonderful."

    Master Cen smiled, stroked his beard and said, "I just said that when I asked Fu Mingyou to go to the Ministry of Engineering, he would definitely show off his skills."

    Fortunately, this treasure is now in the Ministry of Engineering, which is really good. Mr. Mu, who was beside him, smiled and said: "Your Majesty, if you let Fu Mingyou go to the Ministry of Housing, then the money in our treasury will definitely go up."

    His Majesty couldn't help but smile and said: "Even if He is not in the Ministry of Household, but he can also do things for the Ministry of Household. Mr. Mu, look at the contents of this plan, it is the Ministry of Household's business." The thing to do now is that the Ministry of

    Household and the Ministry of Household are still needed. Working together with the Ministry of Industry will not only benefit the country and the people, but also enrich the national treasury.

    After hearing this, Mu Shangshu understood what Master Cen had told him before, and immediately looked at it carefully.

    Master Cen had already read it, so it was Mu Shangshu and Prime Minister Chen who read it together. Both of them read the book very quickly, but they were very effective in extracting the information.

    After reading it, the two of them were amazed and said to His Majesty, "Your Majesty, this information is really too important. If it can be implemented, it will be a great deed.

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