Chapter 117 The auction begins

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After Fu Mingyou moved everything in, he directly took out everything he had prepared.

    Since it is an auction, it must have the feeling of an auction. He directly applied the modern auction scene to make the environment very good, so that the people who come to the auction will be in a better mood.

    Due to very limited conditions, the auction venue only provided tea tables, and there was a certain distance between everyone who came, but they could see each other.

    "Xiao Fu, thank you for your hard work."

    Cen Shangshu came out of the palace, seeing that Fu Mingyou was almost ready, he couldn't help but smiled, patted his shoulder and said.

    Fu Mingyou smiled and said: "Master Cen, you are too polite, this is what I should do."

    This is his job to live in peace, although it is a bit exaggerated, but he is an official anyway, at least some As only can.

    Master Cen smiled, then looked at the things he had prepared, and smiled: "When is the time to start the auction?"

    Fu Mingyou smiled and said, "The official time is three o'clock in the future, At that time, everyone rested well and was in good spirits, and maybe they would be more willing to spend money."

    Hearing this, Cen Shangshu couldn't help but smile.

    A group of people ate here at noon, and then one after another, after the time passed, many businessmen came.

    There are people guarding the door of Yuelai Guest. Today’s Yuelai Guest does not do business, so the people guarding the door are the Imperial Army. They are responsible for checking the authenticity of the invitation. Fu Mingyou has already told them the points to pay attention to in the invitation. .

    Because he was worried that someone might fake the invitation, Fu Mingyou was careful when making the invitation. He used cinnabar to draw a small heart inside the seal at the seal, but if you didn't look carefully, you really couldn't see it. from.

    At this time, Mu Shangshu and Cen Shangshu were both accompanying His Majesty in a hidden place behind, and Fu Mingyou and Mr. Qian of the Household Department presided over the auction together.

    There were more and more people, and Fu Mingyou and Lord Qian did not appear all at once, but waited until everyone arrived.

    Many of the businessmen who came today are well-known businessmen in the country of Li, and some of them had contacts before and had business contacts.

    "Boss Chen, it's been a long time, I'm here to participate in this auction today."

    "Oh, Boss Mu, is the glass lamp you used before still in stock?"

    "Boss Zeng, I've been very famous for a long time."

    "I didn't expect Zheng The boss is here too."

    "I haven't seen Boss Zhang for three years, and you still have the same old style."

    Many of them are acquaintances. They include the famous rice grain merchants of Li Guo and the large timber merchants all over the prefectures. The fabric bosses loved by the common people and big families are among the best in Li Guo.

    When it was almost time, Fu Mingyou looked at the people on the side, smiled, and said, "Lord Qian, let's go, this way please."

    Sir Qian stroked his beard and smiled, and said, "Today, too. I'm fortunate enough to witness a unique auction, thanks to Xiao Fu, let's go." The

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now