Chapter 29 Capital Mu Family 2

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After learning about Murray's news, the old couple was relieved a lot, and they focused on the lamp that Mu Xingzhou brought back.

    "Xingzhou, you can tell us these things again, it's really amazing."

    Knowing that the younger son was all right, a big stone in the old lady's heart fell completely, and she looked curiously at the lamp on the side.

    Mu Xingzhou smiled and said directly: "Okay, then I'll talk about it."

    Because the lamp was so amazing, the Mu family moved the glass lamp into their bedroom that night.

    "Oh, old man, this thing is really amazing." The

    old lady sat aside, took the handkerchief from the maid's hand, wiped her hands, and said with a smile.     Mr. Mu also nodded in agreement, waved his hand to let all the maids go out, and said, "This thing is really magical, but it is

    much brighter than a candle."

Yes to the day.

    While the two old people were thinking about playing with the lamp, Mu Shangshu and his wife in the yard next door were also playing with the shiny thing in front of them.

    "Madam, this thing is really amazing, I don't even know how the other party is bright."

    Mu Shangshu is still very smart, otherwise, he would not be sitting in this position, but he just fiddled with it, But I can't find out how this thing is bright.

    Mrs. Mu smiled, sat aside, and said, "Don't take this thing apart. If you can't get it back, it will be a pity."

    At this time, Mrs. Mu had just finished washing her hair, and her hair had been blown dry. With a hint of tenderness, he smiled: "This time Xingzhou actually brought back such a miraculous thing. I asked today. In addition to what he brought back, there are many more in the store, and it is estimated that they will start selling."

    "This It's a pity to sell things."

    Mu Shangshu thought of something, and then said, "How much did Xingzhou bring back today?"

    He didn't look at it much before, but he guessed there were only a dozen or so.

    Mrs. Mu calculated in her heart, and said, "It adds up to more than 100."

    "How much?" Mu Shangshu took the book's hand for a while, and then said: "How much did Xingzhou buy this time? This thing, It must not be cheap, right?"

    Mrs. Mu smiled and said: "You are still worried about Xingzhou's money, he is the richest in our house."

    Because Mu Xingzhou is in business, and he does have a business Mind, this money is much more than that of Shang Shufu.

    Mu Xingzhou was in his room at this time, he directly let the servant and the servant girl all go out, and then began to take out the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and counted it carefully.

    This time, he got back a total of 1,600 glazed lamps, of which there were nearly 200 in the house, and the rest were for sale.

    This thing is relatively rare, and Mu Xingzhou made an estimate in his heart and marked each price.

    No. 1 glazed lantern is the simplest, only 151 pcs. No. 2-5 glazed lanterns are slightly larger and more refined, so 421 pcs. No. 6 is the largest and also the most delicate. Exquisite, then buy in limited quantities, 821.

    He bought this batch of goods, but he also spent a lot of money. If he didn't get the money back, he would not be Mu Xingzhou.

    Mu Xingzhou is in charge of the things to be sold, but if he wants to give away at home, he can just let his father and brother deal with them. He doesn't need to touch these things.

    "Xingzhou, go to the warehouse and prepare ten lamps, some for your grandfather's house, and six or seven for your uncle's house." Early the

    next morning, Mrs. Mu asked Mu Xingzhou directly . Ready, the Li family is also Madam Mu's natal family, and Madam Mu's father is not a small official, but the other party is the minister of punishment, who is mainly in charge of the punishment department.

    "Hey, mother, I'm going to prepare a surprise for grandpa and them."

    Mu Xingzhou immediately prepared. As for the uncles, he smiled and said directly: "Isn't the second brother okay today? Let the second brother go and deliver it to some uncles."

    "Stinky boy, I just came back. , did you arrange a task for me?"

    Mu Xingheng, the second young master of the Mu family, came in with a fan and tapped Mu Xingzhou's head.

    "Second brother, I didn't. I asked you to send gifts."

    Mu Xingzhou pouted his lips aggrievedly, and then said, "I didn't see eldest brother when I came back yesterday. Is eldest brother very busy recently?

    " That's right." Mu Xingheng nodded directly, looked at the lamp in front of him thoughtfully, and said, "I'll send it to a few uncles in a while."

    Mrs. Mu watched the two brothers make a fuss and just smiled. He smiled and said, "Okay, okay, I'll take care of the next things. You can go and greet the old lady and grandpa. You can have breakfast in a while."

    Because everyone is thinking about things in their hearts, so I got up very early today, and it is estimated that the old lady and the old couple will just get up.

    "You don't need to go to say goodbye, we're here." The

    old man and the old lady came over with the help of two people, looked at Madam Mu, smiled, and said, "The lamp yesterday was amazing. We have been studying it for a long time.

    " Yes, mother, you don't know, the child's father also thought about it for a long time yesterday, I was afraid that he would dismantle the lamp and take a good look."

    Mrs. Mu said with a smile as she supported the old lady's arm.

    The old lady nodded and said with a smile: "You must be careful, don't let Mu Guo dismantle it, it would be a pity if it breaks."

    This is the first time they have seen such a magical thing in their lives. It would be a shame if it was really broken.

    The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law smiled at each other, and then went straight to breakfast.

    After breakfast, everything was packed, Mu Xingzhou accompanied Mrs. Mu back to her parents' house, and Mu Xingheng went directly to several uncles' houses with her things.

    Now this thing is given to relatives first, and after Mu Shangshu has discussed with the old man, he will decide who to give the rest to.

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