Chapter 81 Xiao Tangyuan catches Zhou Li

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There was a soft cushion in the living room, Fu Mingyou put the small dumplings on it, and put some toys for the other party to play on the soft cushion.

    "Xiao Tangyuan is so cute. It looks a lot like you, but it will definitely look better than you in the future."

    Mu Xingzhou carefully looked at Xiaotangyuan's eyebrows and looked at Fu Mingyou.

    Fu Mingyou nodded in approval, smiled, and said, "I have no objection to this. Seeing how cute my son is now, are you jealous? Would you like to consider getting married and having a baby?"

    Mu Xingzhou's age also Not too small, about the same age as him, and even a child his age would run away in the country.

    Hearing this, Mu Xingzhou immediately shook his head: "Don't mention this, my mother knew that I was here to attend the Xiaotangyuan catching ceremony, and she urged me to get married."

    Mu Xingzhou felt that the current situation It's good, he doesn't want to get married so early.

    "And my uncle hasn't gotten married yet. The old and young are orderly. At least I will consider this matter after my uncle gets married."

    Mu Xingzhou really thinks that the uncle should get married, his age is comparable His uncle is smaller.

    As soon as he finished speaking, Fu Mingyou saw Murray coming from outside.

    Compared with Murray in Xiajia Village, the current Murray is better in momentum, and his clothes have become much more gorgeous.

    Murray in Xiajia Village wears very ordinary clothes, similar to ordinary people, but after returning to Mu's house, there are still some changes.

    After all, in Xiajia Village, if you wear such good clothes, you will be out of place.

    When Mu Xingzhou saw his uncle, he couldn't help but shivered, and immediately said something.

    Fu Mingyou smiled at Murray and said, "Brother Mu, you're here."

    Murray nodded, looked at the little dumplings playing on the soft cushion, smiled gently, and said, "Little dumplings Happy birthday. This is a gift from your uncle."

    Xiao Tangyuan didn't know what the other party was talking about, but just looked at the things in the other party's hands and liked it very much, so he opened his small hands and took the things over.

    "Thank you, Brother Mu, it's a waste of money."

    Looking at the things that the other party handed to Xiaotangyuan, Fu Mingyou knew that it was worth a lot, but today is Xiaotangyuan's birthday. It's everyone's opinion.

    Murray shook his head with a smile, sat aside, and said, "You came to the capital, but are you still used to it?"

    He also knew about the other party's visit to the capital, but he didn't come.

    There were quite a lot of people in the capital who knew him, and if he came over, it would bring some inconvenience to Fu Mingyou.

    Fu Mingyou smiled and said, "I'm used to it."

    At first, due to the climate change, it was not so accustomed to it. Now that I have lived there for about ten days, I am almost used to it.

    Murray nodded with a smile, and after a while Xu Youan and Chen Zichen came over.

    Fu Mingyou greeted them, and then introduced Murray and Mu Xingzhou to them. Although Murray didn't come out very often, Mu Xingzhou's name was relatively well-known in the capital.

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now