Chapter 136 Please Cen Shangshu

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After Hei Zi went to Cen's mansion, he immediately knocked on the door.

    The concierge of Cen Mansion looked at Heizi at the door, a little puzzled, looked at the other person in doubt, and said, "Who are you looking for?"

    "Little brother, I am Heizi, the servant of Master Fu Mingyou, and I have something to do this time. Looking for Cen Shangshu."

    Heizi Xian introduced himself, and then immediately explained his intentions.

    It was normal for the concierge to not know him, but Cen Shangshu knew who Fu Mingyou was.

    Sure enough, when the concierge heard this, he immediately asked Kuroko to wait for a while, and then went in to report.

    Mr. Fu Mingyou, Mr. Fu, this is relatively familiar to everyone, and the concierge of Cen's residence has heard the butler say that before, the master praised Mr. Fu Mingyou very much.

    Cen Shangshu was writing at home, and he was a little surprised when he heard the announcement from the housekeeper.

    "Let someone come in."

    Cen Shangshu put down the brush in his hand, wondering why Fu Mingyou let his servants come to his house?

    After Heizi followed the housekeeper in, he didn't look around, but directly entered the main hall of the main house.

    Seeing Cen Shangshu sitting on top, Hei Zi immediately saluted, and said, "Cen Shangshu, the youngest is Fu Mingyou's servant in the Fu family. Today, my family went to the suburbs of Beijing with Zhou Craftsman from the Ministry of Industry and others. I found a landlord named Zhou Caizhu who occupied the waterwheels of the common people."

    "Then my lord reported to the official. After the official came, he went to Zhou Caizhu's house, and now Jing Zhaoyin has been deposited as a deposit. However, But the wealthy Zhou kept saying that he is your brother-in-law, so my lord sent me to report and ask."

    Heizi told the truth about what happened, many people knew about this matter, so Heizi would not go either. concealed.

    Sure enough, when he heard this, Cen Shangshu's face darkened, he put down the tea cup in his hand, and said, "That person said he is my brother-in-law?"

    Hei Zi bowed and nodded, and said, "Yes."

    Cen Shangshu stood up, shrugged his sleeves, and said, "Let's go, take it with me, but I want to see when I have a brother-in-law who will occupy the people's things."

    This made Cen Shangshu very angry. Only one wife, not even a concubine.

    He didn't know when he had a brother-in-law out of thin air.

    Hei Zi immediately bowed and nodded, and the housekeeper of Cen's house immediately followed behind his master and walked towards Jing Zhaoyin.

    At this time, Fu Mingyou and others were already in Jingzhaoyin. Before, Jingzhaoyin tied people into Beijing and attracted a lot of people along the way.

    "Cen Shangshu."

    When Fu Mingyou saw Cen Shangshu come in, he immediately saluted him.

    This matter was not a big deal, and Fu Mingyou knew that this week's rich man would definitely not be a relative of Cen Shangshu, but after all, it involved the other party, so he still had to invite the other party to come over.

    Cen Shangshu cupped his hands, then looked at the wealthy Zhou who was not far away, and snorted coldly, "Is he the one who claimed to be my brother-in-law?"

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now