Chapter 147 Persuasion

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The atmosphere of the new year made everyone very happy. Fu Mingyou also made some good ginseng and ganoderma lucidum wine during the New Year. These wines were all good wines he exchanged from the plane system to soak in ginseng and ganoderma lucidum. And the utility is definitely there.

    After the spring, Fu Mingyou went directly to the village chief and told him about the new crops.

    When Fu Mingyou came back, he mentioned it a few times, so the people in the village also knew what the other party was here for.

    It's just that the things in the farmland have not been collected yet, and it will be possible to wait until the summer.

    Fu Mingyou also knew it, so he still wanted to discuss with everyone whether there was a year when everyone wanted to plant new crops.

    After all, this field is owned by the villagers themselves, and Fu Mingyou will not force them to plant those things.     The village chief was actually a little hesitant. He took a puff of dry cigarettes, knocked on the cigarette rod, and said, "Xiao Fu

    , you know a lot, why don't you tell everyone how good and bad this new crop is?"

He nodded and asked the village chief to call a few people. Everyone sat under the big tree at the entrance of the village and chatted together.

    Since everyone wanted to know the advantages and disadvantages of new crops, Fu Mingyou certainly wouldn't hide it.

    After the village chief responded, he immediately called the villagers to sit under the big tree at the entrance of the village and told everyone that Fu Mingyou wanted to tell everyone about the good and bad of the new crops.

    The villagers are still very concerned about the issue of farming. After hearing this, everyone walked towards the entrance of the village together.

    There is a big tree at the entrance of the village, and there are some stools and wooden piers under it, which are usually used by the villagers to sit and chat.

    On weekdays when the weather is good, you can bask in the sun, and when the sun is big, you can enjoy the shade under the trees.

    Today's weather is very good, the sun is very big and very warm.

    Fu Mingyou sat on the side, looked at everyone and smiled, and said, "I'm here to gather everyone this time, mainly because I want to talk to you about the new crops I mentioned earlier, it's spring now. Now, some fields can already be planted, and some fields can also be collected during the next autumn harvest, so I want to tell you about new crops. Planting is everyone's own business, and I won't force it too much."

    After all, Fu Mingyou also knew that this matter could not be accomplished overnight, and it would take a process for ordinary people to accept new crops, so he was not in a hurry.

    Fu Mingyou described the advantages of the new varieties from three aspects. The first aspect is that it is relatively novel, and the taste of those crops is very good. The second aspect is that these things are not only very delicious, but also a good yield. More importantly, it is very helpful to all aspects of people's lives.

    Of course, there are also downsides. Fu Mingyou doesn't know whether the land in the capital and the land in Xiajia Village are of high quality, so he can't guarantee that the yield of these crops is the same as that in the capital, or better than that in the capital.

    "I know you can't decide on new crops alone. You can discuss it with your family when you get home."

    Fu Mingyou didn't force the other side. Row. After listening

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now