Chapter 46 Three quarters of the time of application

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Fu Mingyou placed the imperial decree in the ancestral hall in the village, and there was no disturbance in his heart, but other people in the village were very excited.

    This is the first imperial edict that their Xia family has, and it is very valuable.

    I didn't care about the affairs of the old men. After Fu Mingyou returned, he directly looked at the things that His Majesty rewarded.

    Five hundred taels of silver, ten pieces of brocade, and bracelets.

    "Xixi, auntie, keep these pieces of cloth."

    Fu Mingyou took five pieces for the Xia family, and kept the rest for Xia Yanxi to make clothes later.

    "Here, Xiao Fu, keep making your own clothes. This fabric is too good to be worn on weekdays."

    Mother Xia immediately shook her head, looking at Fu Mingyou and said.

    Fu Mingyou smiled and said, "These fabrics are very soft. You can make some bases for your family, and you can also make some clothes for Xiaobao."

    He knew what the other party meant, and they needed to work during the day . , Such a good fabric, although it looks good and comfortable to wear, it is not as strong as linen, but Xiaobao and the others are different, and they don't need to do anything on weekdays.

    "Okay, then my aunt will take care of her."

    Mother Xia thought about it and didn't refuse.

    This fabric is good, and it can be used to make clothes for people in the house.

    As for Fu Mingyou's clothes, Mother Xia plans to let Xia Yanxi make a set for the other party.

    After Fu Mingyou delivered the things, he went directly to the village chief's house, and also gave him a piece of cloth.

    As for the remaining four pieces of cloth, Fu Mingyou just put it away.

    The next day, when Fu Mingyou was planning to deal with the five hundred taels of silver, Mu Xingzhou came to the door.

    "Brother Fu, I'm here."

    Mu Xingzhou looked at Fu Mingyou and cupped his hands with a smile.

    Fu Mingyou nodded and said, "Please come inside."

    Mu Xingzhou was not polite, and walked directly inside.

    Fu Mingyou poured a glass of water for the other party and said, "When did you come?"

    "I arrived yesterday, but when I heard that Lord Rong was here, I stayed in the town for the time being."

    Mu Xingzhou smiled Laughed, took a sip of tea, and said with a smile.

    Fu Mingyou's tea here tastes really good, and it feels very comfortable to drink.

    "Well, thank you for letting me know before."

    Fu Mingyou smiled and said thank you softly.

    Mu Xingzhou waved his hand indifferently and said, "That's just a matter of course."

    "This time, the main reason is to give you the share of the previous colored lanterns."

    After he transported those lanterns to the capital before, in addition to sending some of them , the rest are sold for a lot of money.

    Who would dislike such a lot of lights, so he made a lot of money.

    "Sold out?"

    Fu Mingyou looked at the other party in surprise and took the silver note in his hand.

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now