Chapter 74 Xu Family, New Year's Day

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When Fu Mingyou goes to the capital in the future, and has a certain status, he can almost take out those medicines.

    However, after going to the capital, he has to assess whether he can trust him today. He doesn't mind using his power to make Li Guo better, but if he is not Mingjun today, he will also restrain himself.

    After all, he is also a weak person, even if it is not for himself, he has to think about his family. However, this matter is not in a hurry, and you can think about it later.

    Fu Mingyou went back to his room and began to rest. He had to go to Xu's house the next day. Tomorrow would be Xu Youan's banquet.

    Although the situation of the Xu family is better now than before, it has not been turned into a running water mat like Fu Mingyou, so he just made a lunch at home at noon.

    Even so, it is very good for the people from Xujia Village. They are not happy to eat this meal, but that the Xu family has a talented man.

    "Brother Xu, congratulations."

    Fu Mingyou took out the gift he prepared and said to Xu Youan with a smile.

    Xu Youan lightly tapped his shoulder: "Go to the main room to sit."

    Now that there are many people in the village, he has no way to recruit Fu Mingyou alone.

    Because Xia Yanxi was too tired yesterday, Fu Mingyou felt sorry for him, so he didn't let him come, and rested at home.

    Fu Mingyou was well dressed, and he didn't look like an ordinary person. In addition, Xu Youan seemed to be very familiar with the conversation with the other party, so everyone was guessing who the other party was.

    "Xiao An, who is the young man who just entered?"

    The village chief of the Xu family is a middle-aged man. His father was the village chief before, and he also took good care of the Xu family, so Xu You'an is also considered to him. polite.

    Xu Youan smiled, but didn't hide it: "Uncle, my classmate and friend went in before, and this time the other party was also admitted to a scholar, and he went to his house for a running water meal yesterday."

    The identity of Fu Mingyou is not a secret to the people of Xujia Village. Many people have inquired about the Xu family's business in the town before, so the Xu family always told others that they were hired.

    Sure enough, after hearing this, many people understood, but there were still many people who looked at Fu Mingyou with a hint of fiery in their eyes.

    "Brother Fu, why didn't you bring him Xia Furang?" Of course Xu You'an understood what others meant, but he didn't say anything, just looked at Fu Mingyou and asked with a smile.

    Fu Mingyou glanced at the others without a trace, smiled, and said, "Yesterday, he was exhausted from Liushuixi, so I let him rest at home." "Master Fu married a brother?"

When You Gang finished speaking, he thought she was an aunt, and immediately interrupted, with a glimmer of light in his eyes.

    She happens to have a daughter. If she can marry a scholar, wouldn't she be happy? 

  Xu You'an  glanced at the other party lightly, and then said: "Brother Fu, there is something I just want to ask you for advice."


Auntie, just followed Xu Youan and left.

    After watching the two of them leave, the old lady's face was not very good-looking, she snorted, frowned and said: "Xiao An, as a relative, how can he help outsiders?"

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now