Chapter 150 Resignation

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Although Mu Xingzhou and the others only need five taels of silver, it is because they have a good relationship with Fu Mingyou, but the relationship between these princes and princes and Fu Mingyou is mediocre. Of course, Fu Mingyou will not save them for them. It's money.

    "Okay, no problem."

    Everyone agreed, only ten taels of silver, nothing to them.

    After everyone left, Fu Mingyou breathed a sigh of relief. If he knew, he would let Mu Xingzhou and the others keep a low profile. Of course, even if Fu Mingyou told Mu Xingzhou and the others, it would be useless.

    After all, it was the Mu family, the Chen family, and other old grandfathers who went to the outside in a grand manner.

    When Fu Mingyou gave them the car before, he also warned them to be careful when riding a bicycle, especially for older people. If they accidentally fell, it would be bad.

    Because of this incident, Fu Mingyou basically didn't go out at 2:00 and 1 line every day.

    Two months later, after paying for everyone's bicycles, Fu Mingyou directly stated that he would not take orders for bicycles in the future, nor would he let craftsmen do them again.

    After hearing the news, people who have these bicycles can't help but feel a little proud.

    Now, it's October.

    When it is officially autumn, it will be slightly cooler in the morning and evening.

    Since Mr. Mu and the others had bicycles, it didn't take long for them to discover the benefits of this thing.

    They were old, they didn't like going outside very much, and sitting in the sedan chair at the same time was quite boring.

    But after having this bicycle, not only can I go to many places, but also I often ride a bicycle, and my physical fitness seems to be much better.

    What's more, they often ride with their juniors at home. The relationship is much closer than before.

    Therefore, these old men like bicycles even more.

    Now, the development of Li country has been very good.

    Before Fu Mingyou advocated teaching without distinction, he took the essence of Confucius's teachings and carried forward a part of it.

    Of course, what he focused on preaching was teaching. Everyone could read and read, and everyone could go to school.

    As for the road to modernity, Fu Mingyou never thought about it that way.

    Mainly because it had been so long, he suddenly wanted to salt the fish.

    He believes that as long as education can keep up with it, and ideas can keep up, these things will gradually become available.

    Therefore, when Xiaotangyuan was fifteen years old, the weather was good, the country was peaceful and the people were safe, and there were no internal worries and no external troubles, Fu Mingyou proposed to His Majesty the idea of ​​becoming an official.

    "Master Fu is the backbone of a country, and you are not confused this year. Your Majesty must never agree to Master Fu's request.

    " It's too early to go to work now."

    "Master Fu, why don't you think about it?" When they

    heard that Fu Mingyou wanted to go back to his hometown, everyone in the court was stunned. spoke up.

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now