Chapter 124 Please shopkeeper (make up yesterday)

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In the study, Fu Mingyou designed the design of the suburbs of Beijing. Since it is going to be developed, of course, one has to develop a good one. Now His Majesty has also agreed with Mu Shangshu and the others, so when he went to work in the palace the next day, he was directly called by Mu Shangshu and Cen Shangshu.

    "Little Fu, come here." Mu Shangshu smiled at the other party, and then said: "We have discussed with His Majesty before, so we will follow the price you set before."

    Cen Shangshu also smiled. Dao: "But do you have plans for this place to sell?"

    After all, if you have paper and books, you have to have a shop.

    Hearing this, Fu Mingyou couldn't help but smile: "Don't worry about these two adults, it just so happens that there is another store that was given to me by His Majesty before, and it happens to be in a place with a lot of traffic in the capital, so it's empty anyway. Why don't you just use it to open a shop."

    Mu Shangshu only remembered at this moment that His Majesty had also rewarded Fu Mingyou with some shops before, but the other party didn't use it much, and it was indeed just fine to bring it to the shop, but even if they It's cheap to take Fu Mingyou.

    But Fu Mingyou didn't care about that, anyway, he didn't have anything to open a shop recently.

    "Isn't it taking advantage of you to use your store?" Cen Shangshu objected, he also knew that the other party had a store, and the location was very good.

    Fu Mingyou smiled and said, "It's okay, anyway, my shop is empty and it's empty. It is used to sell these things, which can be regarded as a benefit to the people."

    He didn't care about the small money, anyway, he wasn't short of money, so instead of using the shop If it is empty, it is better to sell something to add some popularity.

    Since Fu Mingyou said so, the two adults did not refuse.

    The time to do now is to wait for the workshop to produce paper and books, and then wait until the quantity is finalized, and then start selling.

    Therefore, the shopkeeper of this bookstore must be chosen well, he must be upright and not afraid of the powerful.

    After Fu Mingyou finished talking to the two adults, he went to directly call Craftsman Zhou and the others. He had to tell the craftsmen and others that the workshop could make time to produce those papers and books. These books can now be used not only for printing children's books, but also for printing. You can also print some imperial bibliography, so these things can be sold. Without Fu Mingyou, everyone would not know that this thing needs to be printed. Because printing things can be taken out and bought, everyone is very happy when they know about it. Printing has been stepped up.

    There is a certain stage from printing to selling. After all, things can't come out all at once, so Fu Mingyou has to plan for a while, and then directly ask someone to clean up the interior of the store.

    Since it is to be the structure of the bookstore, then there must be bookshelves inside, and the bookcases must be built by a carpenter, so Fu Mingyou also went to a carpenter and asked the other party to help build the bookshelf.

    Fu Mingyou planned to build a bookstore in the way of a modern bookstore, because such a bookstore is not only very beautiful, but also gives people a noble, elegant and quiet feeling, so he directly handed the design to Mr. Li, Mr. Li and the others have done manual work before, and there is absolutely no problem in this regard.

    As the saying goes, fat water does not flow to outsiders' fields. Although this shop is for the public to sell things, he can still make his own decisions about this trivial matter, so he has to ask Uncle Li and the others to help remove the books in the bookstore. Do something.

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