Chapter 70 Fifth and Second

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Early the next morning, Fu Mingyou and Xu You'an went directly to the yamen and turned around.

    They mainly wanted to see how long it would take to get from Uncle Hu's house to the yamen. This also determines when they will set off on the day of the exam. Of course, they must be ahead of time at that time, and there must be a queue on the day.

    "There are really a lot of people coming to this Xuyin Mansion."

    Xu Youan looked around and found that there were really a lot of students near the Yamen.

    "The next state test and government test will gather people from the entire Xuyin House."

    Fu Mingyou thought thoughtfully. If this is the case, it means that if you want to put in more effort, you can take the test in the house. reach a certain rank.

    Only the top three hundred in the government examination can become a scholar.

    Fu Mingyou and Xu Youan turned around, and then went straight back.

    After the two returned to Uncle Hu's house, they did not rest, but picked up the book and began to study.

    In front of the yamen just now, they saw quite a few scholars, and those who could pass the county examination were more or less talented.

    Both the state exam and the government exam were two days. Uncle Hu knew that the two of them had to concentrate on preparing for the exam. He also instructed his grandson not to disturb them. He was also very attentive when it came to eating.

    When the state test really came, Fu Mingyou and Xu You'an carried their own baskets and walked towards the test room.

    For the state exam, people from various counties came. Fu Mingyou and Xu Youan came to the exam room in Xuyin Mansion and began to line up.

    There were a lot of people around five feet away. Many people came to send the test, but because they could not affect the order of the test, everyone obeyed the order and stood not far away.

    Zhu Zi and Heizi were also there. They sent Fu Mingyou and Xu Youan aside and waited directly outside.

    This time, they will still be able to come out in two days.

    The state test is more stringent than the county test. The cakes that Fu Mingyou brought were all torn to shreds. Fortunately, the things he brought this time were all broken, but it was okay.

    After entering, Xu Youan and Fu Mingyou were in different places.

    "Why are you invigilating the exam this year?"

    Mo Wen, the prefect of Xuyin Mansion, took a sip of tea and looked at Lin Weisheng, the dean of the Imperial Academy, who was also the dean of the Hanlin Academy.

    Lin Weisheng smiled and said, "It's not because it's funny."

    As His Majesty's teacher, Lin Weisheng of course also knew about Fu Mingyou. When he learned about Fu Mingyou from his friend Chen Keda, he was very curious. Take the initiative to invite Ying to come to Xu Yinfu to invigilate the examination.

    "Tsk." Mo Wen glanced at Lin Weisheng and smiled, meaning unclear: "I really don't know who you are thinking about, and I mourned for him."

    Lin Weisheng glanced at him and put down the tea cup: "It's time to go. "The

    scientific examination is of great importance. This time, there are five examiners, and at the same time, Lin Weisheng is the invigilator model formed as the chief examiner.

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now