Chapter 154 Little Treasure gets married

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"Indeed, I thought my parents would urge him, but the other party only got married at this age, and there are not many."

    After all, in the capital, many people got engaged before and after the crown. Not a lot really.

    Xia Yanxi smiled, then thought of something, and said, "You said earlier that you were going to check the girl, but what was the result? I think with Xiaobao's character and vision, people who are optimistic must be very good. ."

    After knowing that Xiaobao was about to get married, both Fu Mingyou and Xia Yanxi were quite surprised, and they were a little curious about the girl the other party liked, so Fu Mingyou simply inquired about it and found that it turned out to be The only daughter of a fifth-grade petty official's family.

    Neither Fu Mingyou nor Xia Yanxi are powerful people. As long as Xiaobao likes it, there will be no problem.

    "Master, Master." The

    doorman's eyes lit up when he saw Fu Mingyou and Xia Yanxi, he immediately said something, and then sent someone to tell the young master that the uncle and the young master were back.

    Fu Mingyou and Xia Yanxi walked inside. Xiaobao and Xiaotangyuan, who were doing things, knew that Fu Mingyou was back, and were very happy in their hearts, so they went straight to the door to welcome them.

    "Father, Father Mu, you are finally back."

    Xiao Tangyuan looked at his father and father and said happily.

    Originally, he was still worried that the two of them would not be able to come back in time, but he didn't expect that after talking like this, the people actually came back.

    "Come back, Xiao Tangyuan has grown taller."

    Xia Yanxi looked at her son, reached out to touch the other's hair, and said Buddha with a smile.

    The little tangyuan moved towards Xia Yanxi and said, "No matter how tall he is, he is still the son of Mu's father."

    Fu Mingyou looked at Xia Yanxi's coquettish appearance and couldn't help but smile, but he still coughed. With a loud voice, he said, "Don't Xiaotangyuan want Daddy?"

    "I think, I think about it."

    Xiao Tangyuan     , who did not favor one or the other, said immediately, then looked at his parents, and said, "Father, Mu, you have worked hard all the way, and I will ask someone to prepare water for you." You will definitely have to shower and change your clothes when you get back.

    "Okay." Xia Yanxi did not refuse, and went to wash up with Fu Mingyou before coming out to talk to Xiaobao and the others.

    "Congratulations, Xiaobao, Xiaobao is also about to get married."

    Xia Yanxi looked at her little brother and said with a smile.

    Xiaobao touched his hair embarrassedly and said, "Thank you brother, brother, let you run back." The

    two of them had a good time outside, but if it wasn't because he was about to get married, the two of them would definitely still be there. outside.

    "What are you talking about?" Fu Mingyou slapped him on the back and continued, "You grew up with your brother and I, how could you not come back?

    " In my heart, when I saw Xiaobao for the first time, the other party was still a thin and weak little guy with only calf height and looked pitiful.

    Twenty years have passed in the blink of an eye, and now the little guy has grown up and it is time to get married.

    "Xixi, Xiao Fu." Mother Xia and Xia Liren came over as soon as they heard that the two were back.

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now