Chapter 20 Go to Xiajia Village to see the light

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After Mingyou and Young Master Huafu went to the private room upstairs, the shopkeeper brought tea and snacks to the two of them.

    "I don't know how to call this Xiongtai?" Mr.

    Huafu said to Fu Mingyou, shaking his fan.

    Fu Mingyou smiled and cupped his hands: "Fu Mingyou is under." The

    other party smiled and said, "Mu Xingzhou is under."

    Mu Xingzhou looked at his parents, Fu Mingyou, took a sip of tea, and said, " I don't know how many such sources are in Mr. Fu's hands?"

    Fu Mingyou smiled and said, "This kind of stuff can only be considered relatively low-end in my place. I still have a lot of high-end goods here, but I don't know if Mr. Mu can eat it I have to get this batch of goods."

    "Oh, is that right?"

    Mu Xingzhou narrowed his eyes, then smiled: "How many, how much do I want."

    If the one I just saw is a relatively low-end, Mu Xingzhou I'm really curious about what this high-end product looks like.

    Fu Mingyou smiled and said, "My family lives in Xiajia Village, Mr. Mu might as well take a look and make a decision."

    After all, he has a lot of things there, and the price he wants will not be low.

    Even if this Young Master Mu looks like a rich man, it is really hard to say whether he can eat so much in one lump sum.

    Mu Xingzhou became interested and said, "As the saying goes, it's better to choose a day than to hit the sun. If that's the case, then I'll ask Fu Gongzi to take me to see it."

    Since the other party said so, Mu Xingzhou is true a little curious.

    Is the other party worried that he can't eat so much?

    The two came downstairs, Mu Xingzhou asked the shopkeeper to prepare the carriage, and then walked directly towards Xiajia Village with his entourage.

    In Xiajia Village, the ox cart is already very powerful, let alone a carriage that looks very luxurious.

    "Sir, slow down."

    The attendant's servant helped Mu Xingzhou down, looked at the bumpy road in front of him, and whispered.

    Mu Xingzhou nodded, looked at the house in front of him, and said, "Is this Fu Gongzi's home? It's look very pleasant." Although the

    other party's courtyard is not very large, it looks very spacious and comfortable. Some pavilions and ditches are also very suppressed.

    Fu Mingyou smiled and didn't care about the people watching the fun, and said directly, "Young Master Mu, please."

Mu Xingzhou nodded and followed the other party in.

    After watching the three people enter, the people outside started chatting.

    "Aiya, that young master just now looked like a rich man."

    "Then the young master must be some kind of relative of Mr. Fu?"

    "This is a carriage, it looks so luxurious."

    "Mother, mother , I'm going to see Malaysia."

    A young man came to the village, which surprised the people in the village all of a sudden.

    After all, the most polite and polite person everyone has ever seen is the master in the village, but Master Lin rarely comes out, and everyone rarely sees each other.

    "Mr. Mu, please drink tea."

    Fu Mingyou poured a few cups of tea from the kitchen and gave it to Mu Xingzhou and the other party's entourage.

    Mu Xingzhou did not refuse, he took a sip of tea, with some exclamation in his eyes: "Master Fu's tea here is very special, it tastes fresh and refreshing, and the taste is really good."

    The tea here is different from what he has drunk before. Every kind of tea is very novel to him.

    Fu Mingyou smiled and said, "This is chrysanthemum tea. The weather has been dry recently. This thing can clear the heat and remove the fire."

    Xia Yanxi made this tea, and the other party was really ingenious.

    After drinking a sip of tea and Mu Xingzhou rested, Fu Mingyou took Mu Xingzhou directly to the warehouse where he put the lights.

    In fact, he took advantage of the gap between the tea pouring and the things in the warehouse, and then directly took the lamp out of the plane system.

    "Mr. Mu, please, this is my goods. Only one third of the goods are here. I didn't take out the rest and put them in the warehouse.

    " A light was turned on, and all the doors and windows were closed.

    In an instant, the whole room was as bright as day.

    "It's so beautiful."

    Mu Xingzhou looked at the lights in this room, his eyes glowing.

    "I would like to ask Master Fu to introduce it to me."

    Mu Xingzhou looked at so many lamps and was really puzzled.

    Basically it's something he doesn't know and doesn't know how to use.

    But there is one thing he understands, these things will definitely be very popular with dignitaries.

    After all, the light of the candle is a little dim, and with this thing, the night is no longer the existence that restricts them from reading books.

    Fu Mingyou nodded with a light smile, and then explained each other one by one.

    There were only two lights on in the room, but it was very bright.

    Every time he introduced a lamp, Fu Mingyou would demonstrate it to the other party and let Mu Xingzhou demonstrate it himself.

    "What is the lifespan of these things?"

    Mu Xingzhou looked at so many things and suddenly thought of a question.

    But don't wait for him to buy one, only to find out that this thing can only be used once, then it will be a loss.

    Fu Mingyou knew that he would ask, and calmly explained: "This thing can be used for at least three or five years, and each time it can be used for two or three months. It can be used again."

    "When this thing can't be used, the things inside will be empty, and then naturally it will know that it can't be used."

    Fu Mingyou is still relatively confident about this thing. The quality of things is very good. If it is some inferior food, it will not pass the plane assessment, and there is no way to send it to the hands of other plane owners.

    Hearing this, Mu Xingzhou breathed a sigh of relief and said, "These things are very good. In this case, Mr. Fu will make a price."

    He is not a man who is short of money. After these things are taken to the capital, he will definitely be able to make money. earned a lot.

    After seeing the glazed lantern that Fu Mingyou took, Mu Xingzhou had no plans to sell it here.

    The price of this thing, with the economic strength here, there are not many people who can afford it.

    Fu Mingyou smiled at the other party, turned off all the lights, and invited the other party to the living room to discuss in detail.

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now