Chapter 148 Return to Beijing

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After Fu Mingyou and his party left, they headed directly to the capital. Although it was a bit reluctant to leave, everyone understood that only in the capital can they have better development, and the people of the Li family felt this way.

    When they were in Lijia Village before, all the children were like monkeys, but since they went to the capital, they all behaved well, and they started to study, and their temperament was much better than before, this time when I went back , The people in the village almost didn't dare to recognize those children when they saw them.

    "Daddy, we're back to the capital now, when will we be back next time?"

    This trip made Xiao Tangyuan more good friends. He felt that it was really fun to play in Xiajia Village. There are many things that the capital doesn't have. , and very interesting.

    Fu Mingyou smiled, reached out to touch his hair, and said, "I'll take you back to see when I have a chance."

    After all, he also spent a lot of time in Xiajia Village . If you are in the country all the time, it will not work.

    "Xiao Tangyuan, although Daddy didn't keep urging you to study during this time, you can't relax after you go back. I guess that after you go back, the private school will almost have an exam. If you don't pass the exam, don't let it go Crying."

    During the few months they were in Xiajia Village, although Fu Mingyou often took his two children to study, in general, they still had a lot of time to play.

    Upon hearing this, Xiaotangyuan and Xiaobao looked at each other and said, "We will definitely do well in the

    test." It would be embarrassing to fail the test because of this. I don't know if it was because of Fu Mingyou's words that Xiaotangyuan and Xiaobao felt a little pressure in their hearts, so they also read some books when they were on the carriage.

    "Uncle Xiaobao, let's study together, I don't want to fail the test." The

    little guy's self-esteem is still quite strong. If he really failed the test, it would be a shame.

    Xiaobao also nodded and said, "Okay, Xiaotangyuan, let's study."

    In fact, Xiaobao's pressure is greater than that of Xiaotangyuan. Many of his classmates are very good, so on the way to the capital, he has to study hard.

    It took a long time to travel from Xiajia Village to the capital, so if they were studying, they would probably be able to catch up with others.

    After walking on the road for almost a month, everyone went directly to the capital.

    Although Fu Mingyou and the others hadn't been there for a few months, the capital was still so familiar, the streets were very lively, the people were living and working in peace and contentment, and everyone was very happy.

    Because of Fu Mingyou's previous proposals, the lives of ordinary people are now very easy, and the capital has sold a lot of things, and the whole capital is in a thriving state for a while.

    "Xianggong, the opinions you put forward have made the capital better and the people very happy."

    Whether it's cement roads or glass, everything from small to large is improving the living standard of the common people bit by bit. .

    In Xia Yanxi's heart, Fu Mingyou is really powerful.

    Hearing this, Fu Mingyou couldn't help but smile. Said: "The most powerful ones are the sage and the lords, and Xingzhou."

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now