Chapter 78 Reaching the destination

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There are definitely more things in the capital than in Linshui Town and Yuanyang County, and most of the people who live at the feet of the emperor are quite rich.

    Even if they are not particularly rich, they are a little richer than those in the countryside.

    Fu Mingyou glanced at his husband and said, "You guys are here first. I'll go and find out the address of Shiweitian opened by Xu Youan."

    Since the other party has been in the capital for so long, and Shiweitian No. 2 store heard It is still very popular, so the people in the capital must all have specific locations.

    He doesn't know where the house Xu You'an prepared for them is now, so it's better to go to eat first.

    "Okay, then go ask Mr. Xiang."

    Xia Yanxi nodded immediately, holding the small dumplings who wanted to go on, and said softly.

    After Fu Ming swam down, he found that there were quite a few vendors on both sides of the street, so he walked over to an uncle and asked about it.

    "Master, let me ask you something."

    Fu Mingyou cupped his hands to his eldest brother and said softly.

    The uncle was also good-natured. He smiled and said, "This young man, what do you want to inquire about?"

    This young man's accent means that he came from other places, and it is estimated that he is not familiar with this capital.

    Fu Mingyou smiled and said, "I heard that there is a family of food in the capital, may I ask you, sir, do you know where it is?

    " Man, I've eaten here before, and the taste is amazing. You walk along this road, turn right at the second alley, and you can see it."

    He was fortunate enough to have eaten there once before, and the newly opened Shiweitianna It would be cheap, and he could afford it.

    "Thank you uncle, I understand."

    Fu Mingyou smiled, and then took out a box of snacks from the carriage as a gift.

    Originally, what the uncle didn't want was just asking for directions, but Fu Mingyou still let the other party accept it.

    The taste of this dim sum is still very good, and Aunt Li's craftsmanship is definitely first-class.

    After Fu Mingyou asked about it, he directly asked Heizi and Zhuzi to drive the carriage towards Shiweitian.

    The three carriages followed the route that the uncle said, and it didn't take long before they arrived at Shiweitian.

    "Business is not bad."

    Fu Mingyou got out of the car and smiled when he saw that Shiweitian was full of people.

    Xia Yanxi also got out of the carriage, stood aside, and smiled: "It's really good."

    Xu You'an is also amazing, it's amazing to be able to achieve this in such a short period of time.

    "Brother Xia, brother Xiaobao."

    Xu Xiaomei, who was helping, immediately called out after seeing Xia Yanxi and Xia Xiaobao, and walked towards them quickly.

    Xu's father and mother, who were doing things, heard the other party's words, turned around and looked very happy.

    "Master Fu, are you here?"

    Father Xu smiled immediately after seeing Fu Mingyou.

    Xu Youan had told them before that Fu Mingyou had also come to the capital, and they were still very happy.

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now