Chapter 5 Settled in

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Because there is a lot of fat on the wild boar, Xia Yanxi fried it all into oil.

    After finishing the wild boar, Xia Liren went back to work in the field.

    Although it was sent to people, there was still a lot of wild boar left. Although it was March, it was still slightly cool.

    Fu Mingyou told Xia Yanxi some ways to preserve the meat, and got some sausages and bacon, so that the wild boar could be preserved for some time.

    After a busy morning, Xia Yanxi used 200% of his cooking skills to cook a hearty lunch at noon.

    "Xixi's cooking skills are good."

    Xia Liren praised after eating the meat with satisfaction.

    Xia Yanxi smiled and served food to his younger brother.

    Fu Mingyou also had a smile in his eyes, the other party's cooking skills were indeed quite good.

    The Xia family doesn’t pay attention to eating or talking. Fu Mingyou has his own plans. He looked at the head of the family, Xia Liren, and said, “Uncle Xia, I think you know that I am alone, so I want to settle down in the village. Is there anything I need to pay attention to?"

    "Then come with me this afternoon and go to the village chief."

    Xia Liren nodded, there were still some wild boar and bones in the house, since Fu Mingyou decided to live in Xiajia Village , that must be planned.

    Hearing this, Xia Yanxi suddenly felt a little lost in his heart, but this feeling just passed by for a moment.

    Fu Mingyou smiled and nodded, and said, "It's March now, and I can almost build a house. I want to ask the people in the village to help me. I'm not familiar with the people in the village, so I need to ask Uncle Xia to help me."

    Xia Liren He smiled, then hesitantly said, "It will cost a lot of money to build a house."

    "Uncle Xia, don't worry about it."

    Fu Mingyou smiled, he already had a good way to make money.

    After taking a break after lunch, Xia Liren went to the village chief's house with ten catties of meat and ten catties of spare ribs.

    The village head of Xiajia Village lives in the west, and the house is still a brick house, which is quite good in the village.

    When he saw two people carrying things over, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then he glanced at Fu Mingyou again, a little surprised.

    This man, at first glance, is no ordinary person.

    I didn't expect Boss Xia to be so blessed to save the other party?

    Village Chief Xia's wife saw the meat in Xia Liren's hand, and she couldn't close her mouth with laughter, but she still politely said: "Liren, if you come to the door, you will come to the door. What kind of gift do you bring?"

    Xia Liren smiled and put the meat aside . , said: "It should be, mainly because there is something I want to discuss with my uncle."

    "Liren, come and sit and have a cup of tea." The

    village chief smiled, waved at the other party, and said with a smile.

    Xia Liren stepped forward and smiled, looked at the village chief and said, "Uncle, this is Fu Mingyou, who is alone on the road. Unfortunately, he was robbed on the road, and his household registration is gone. He wants to settle down and build a house with us. What's the matter? Rules?" The

    village chief looked at Fu Mingyou and said, "Is this the wild boar this young man beat this morning?"

    "Hello, village chief, I am Fu Mingyou."

    Fu Mingyou smiled and nodded and introduced himself.

    Xia Liren smiled and said, "It was a coincidence that they happened to meet in the morning, and they were lucky. The wild boars have been hungry for a winter and have no strength. Otherwise, how could these children be able to hit them."

    Although it is good to be down, there is still some modesty.

    The village chief smiled and said, "It's not difficult to settle down, I'll write a settlement certificate and go to the town's yamen to get it. Our county magistrate loves the people like a son, and now there is a place for settlement in the town. , it will save the common people a lot of trouble."

    "Okay, then I will trouble Uncle."

    Xia Liren nodded with a smile, and made a color at Fu Mingyou.

    Fu Mingyou also immediately smiled and said, "Then thank the village chief." The

    village chief waved his hand indifferently and wrote the text to the other party.

    "You're in charge, what's the matter with you?" The

    village chief's wife looked at her husband and stared at the back of the two leaving, and asked inexplicably.

    The village chief took a sip of tea and said: "This kid Fu is not a simple person." The

    village chief's wife also turned to look, rolled her eyes, and said, "Go to you, you have already said this. No less than 30 times, I won't talk to you anymore, I'll go pack the meat and give the children extra meals at night."

    This Xia family and Fu Xiaozi are really sensible, these ten pounds of meat and ten pounds of bones can eat a lot of meals. .

    After the two of them went back, Fu Mingyou looked at the words on the paper and didn't know how to describe them. When he came here, he didn't even know how to read.

    "Don't you know?"

    Xia Liren watched him staring at the words, smiled, and said, "Apart from the old master, the village chief is the only one who can read in our village."

    Fu Mingyou paused and said, "There is a master in our village? Xia Liren nodded and said, "

    Yeah, it's in the row behind our house, separated by two houses, which one has the red gate."

    Fu Mingyou was thoughtful, he had two doctors before, but he didn't expect, It turned out to be half illiterate here.

    Maybe he should study hard.

    I don't know if it's because of time travel, but he looks like he was twenty years old now.

    After all, he got cheap.

    Not only is he not dead, but he is also a few years younger.

    Now that Fu Mingyou has obtained the documents written by the village chief, next, he will go to the town to get it.

    Because there is no bullock cart in the village, Fu Mingyou needs to walk there on foot.

    The next morning, when the sky was bright, Fu Mingyou got up and went to town with Xia Liren and Xia Yanxi.

    Originally, it was only Xia Liren who took Fu Mingyou, but Xia Yanxi hadn't been to the town for a long time, and he wanted to play, so he had to follow.

    At this time, almost all the people in the village got up, and the three of them brought some dry food and water and went straight to the town on foot.

    The town to which Xiajia Village belongs is called Linshui Town. There is a very wide river there. Because there is a river, Linshui Town is actually not bad.

    "Father, if Big Brother Fu wants to build a house, is there still room in our village?"

    Xia Yanxi quickly followed the two and said softly.

    Xia Liren smiled and said, "Have you forgotten? Your Uncle Niu's house, which is separated by two houses, is not going to sell the house?"

    The recipes of their family were all broken, so they bought it together with the foundation, and pushed it away directly. cover.

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now