Chapter 85 Please Sir

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Fu Mingyou responded and looked at Zhang Weiyu and Chen Zichen: "You don't have to refuse, just think it's me thanking you for tutoring me on weekdays."

    You know, Chen Zichen and Zhang Weiyu are both academic masters, although they are not as good as Xu Youan. , but also stronger than Fu Mingyou.

    After hearing this, Zhang Weiyu and Chen Zichen looked at each other and smiled at each other: "Okay, then we'll be welcome."

    Since the other party has said so, if they continue to refuse, they will appear unfamiliar.

    Since Fu Mingyou doesn't care, then if they have good things in the future, they can also think about each other.

    Sometimes, kindness is mutual.

    The four of them had lunch and then had a discussion about the next important thing.

    Every July at Deying College, there will be a college league.

    This league is divided into four parts.

    The top three students in the jinshi, arithmetic, law, and physical competitions will not only be given priority to study at the Imperial College for a month, but also receive one hundred taels of silver as a reward from the dean.

    For silver, everyone may not care very much.

    What they care about is the opportunity to study at the Imperial College.

    Even if it is only a month, they are willing to fight for it.

    The teachers in Guozijian are basically all jinshi, and many ministers in the imperial court choose to send their children to Guozijian.

    Not only to give the other party a good environment, but more importantly, those who study in Guozijian, who are either rich or expensive, can also make good friends for their children.

    "Brother Xu, do you want to participate in the league?"

    Fu Mingyou really had no idea about going to Guozijian.

    In his opinion, it is the same wherever he goes to study. It does not mean that he can become very smart when he goes to the Guozijian, and he can do well in the next exam.

    However, this kind of competition makes him feel very lively, but he can also participate in it.

    "Participate." Xu Youan nodded and drank two sips of tea: "Even if it's not for the quota of Guozijian, but also for the one hundred taels of silver."

    Although the Xu family's situation is very good now, Xu Youan still remembers living in Xujia Village. day.

    If they meet Fu Mingyou, who is kind-hearted, let alone entering the capital now, it would be nice to be able to eat and dress warmly at home.

    Fu Mingyou nodded and said, "Then I'll report a name as well."

    Now it's only the registration stage, and the league will officially start in July.

    The people from Deying College also like the league every year, because that time is the easiest time, there will be less schoolwork, and everyone can sit and watch the game.

    The Deying College Joint Entrance Examination Competition is not only an activity in the school, but also the common people can be invited to watch it.

    But if the common people want to watch the league, they need to pay five cents. On the one hand, it has also increased the income of Deying College, and at the same time, it can make the lives of ordinary people more colorful. Of course, for the people in Beijing, these five cents are nothing, as long as every Deying College has a league. At that time, basically many people will come to watch it.

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now