Chapter 9 Looking for Treasure

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"After all, I'm a foreigner, so it's inconvenient to buy clothes, shoes and socks for my aunt and Xixi, so I bought some for my uncle and Xiaobao."

    Fu Mingyou took out their clothes, shoes and socks. The quality was very good, and they were all of good quality. It's new clothes.

    "Wow, I have new clothes, I have new clothes."

    For Xiaobao, he didn't know the value of this bracelet, but he knew the new clothes.

    Except for the holidays, he usually doesn't have any new clothes.

    "Thank you Xiaofu."

    Xia's mother looked at her son's happy expression, her eyes were a little red.

    The family is poor, and Xiaobao's clothes are all made up of old ones, and new clothes will only be available every year during the New Year.

    Fu Mingyou shook his head indifferently, and said, "Auntie, you're welcome. If it wasn't for you saving me, I wouldn't be here now."

    "Okay, okay."

    Xia Liren knew that Fu Mingyou really wanted to thank them, and continued Said: "Don't you want to eat? Do more."

    "Hey, I'm going to cook."

    Mother Xia wiped her tears and responded immediately with a smile.

    Under the persuasion of Fu Mingyou, Xia Yanxi handed over his things, and then gave the silver hairpin to his mother.

    His grandfather was a man, so Fu Mingyou came in the form of clothes instead of buying jewelry for him.

    "Xiao Fu is good."

    Mother Xia looked at the silver hairpin in her hand. Even if she was married back then, there was only a small piece of silver on the wooden hairpin. There was such a big one.

    Xia Yanxi smiled, then patted his chest and said, "Aniang, when I get rich in the future, I will buy a lot of silver hairpins for my mother and wear them instead."

    Mother Xia smiled and said, "You, Then Mothher will wait." The mother and son did not expect that Xia Yanxi's words made a statement, and Xia Yanxi bought many silver hairpins in Xia's mother's jewelry box in the future.

    The family had lunch. Xia Xiaobao was wearing new clothes. The bright yellow ones were very good-looking. There was also a small silver bracelet on his left hand.

    "Our little treasures are so cute."

    Fu Mingyou always thought the children were cute, so he couldn't help pinching each other's smiling faces and said with a smile.

    Seeing the other person's appearance, Mother Xia couldn't help but smile and said, "If Xiao Fu likes children, he can have a baby when he gets married."

    Fu Mingyou was very handsome, and after he built the house, It must be very popular with the girls and brothers in the village.

    Hearing this, Xia Yanxi ate a meal. For some reason, he felt a little uncomfortable when he thought of Fu Mingyou marrying someone else in the future.

    Fu Mingyou narrowed his eyes and smiled, but didn't speak. Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Xia Yanxi, who was facing him. No one knew what he was thinking.

    In the afternoon, Fu Mingyou simply went up the mountain alone.

    Originally Xia Yanxi was going to follow, but Fu Mingyou asked the other party to do him a favor. His clothes were a little too big, so he asked the other party to put them away.

    Xia Yanxi didn't think about it, and then went straight to the house to help Fu Mingyou put away his clothes.

    The mountain next to Xiajia Village is very large. Now that the early spring has passed, the weather is getting warmer, and green leaves are popping out from the mountains.

    "Turn on the scan."

    Fu Mingyou came here to find something.

    According to Fu Mingyou's observation, few people will go in if they go into the mountain a little. He asked Xia Yanxi before, and the other party said that they usually pick wild vegetables outside and dare not go inside.

    Fu Mingyou still trusts his own skills, and there are life-saving things in his plane, so this time he wants to take a walk into the mountain.

    Most of them have been seen and found outside, but not inside, there should be a lot of good things inside.

    Since he was going to live in the Xia family village, of course he had to have a rich source.

    There are ginseng and ganoderma lucidum in this mountain, or some more precious medicinal materials. If he finds it, he can sell it directly, and he can have a reason.

    The more you walk inside, the lower the temperature in the forest. Fortunately, Fu Mingyou is wearing a lot of clothes now, so he doesn't feel cold.

    When Fu Mingyou made way for the plane to start scanning, he saw what looked like a pointer and began to rotate clockwise.

    Every time the system scans, it can scan things within a radius of ten meters.

    If there is something within ten meters, then Fu Mingyou will know it.

    "Ding, one hundred and fifty-year-old ginseng was scanned one three-year-old ginseng, and one ten-year ginseng."

    After hearing this, Fu Mingyou was overjoyed.

    Sure enough, fortunately he came to this mountain, otherwise, this thing would never be found outside.

    Following the plane system's instructions, Fu Mingyou dug out 150-year-old ginseng and ten years' worth of ginseng.

    The former is kept for sale, and the latter is kept for sale on the plane system.

    This is a deep mountain, but just in case, Fu Mingyou found a big tree and hid on it to open the plane system.

    He is now in good health and can start doing business.

    Of course, he has limited conditions now, so he can only buy it himself, and does not want to be bought by others.

    After putting ten years of ginseng on it, and marking the price, Fu Mingyou turned off the plane system.

    Because of the circumstances he is in now, he turned the price into gold.

    Here, gold is still very valuable, much better than bartering.

    After putting away the ginseng, Fu Mingyou immediately prepared to go back.

    However, things backfired. When he didn't walk a few steps, he found a fat wild boar waiting for him not far away.

    Fu Mingyou glanced at the wild boar slightly with disgust. The wild boar at home has not been eaten yet.

    Just as he was about to escape, Fu Mingyou thought of the restaurant in the town. They must be asking for wild boar meat. It would be good to call for money.

    Thinking about it this way, Fu Mingyou took out the electronic rod directly, turned on the electric voltage to the maximum, and then rushed directly towards the wild boar.

    This electronic rod is full of electricity, and with a light touch, a cow can fall down, not to mention this wild boar.

    The zizi sound came from the wild boar's forehead, Fu Mingyou glanced at it, then picked up a wooden stick from the side, and hit the wild boar's forehead several times.

    After going down the mountain, he said, the wild boar hit the tree by itself.

    After collecting the wild boar into the plane system, when he reached the periphery, Fu Mingyou began to drag the wild boar pretending to be tired.

    In this way, Fu Mingyou went down the mountain with a messy body and messy hair.

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now