Chapter 69 Xu Yin Mansion

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During the Mid-Autumn Festival, everyone was very happy. Because it was a festival, the food shop in the town also offered discounts, and many people brought their families to eat.

    Both Xia Liren and Xu's father are honest and sincere in doing business, so they are still very popular with customers.

    "Okay, you don't need to send it any more."

    Twenty-five days later, it was already November 8th.

    Master Meng was about to leave, and in two more days, the state and prefectural exams would be held.

    Fu Mingyou and Xu Youan stood aside, bowed their hands and said, "Thank you, Master."

    "You're welcome ." Master

    Meng smiled, then waved his hand, "I can wait for you in the capital, and don't embarrass me in the township exam. Otherwise, don't say I taught you." "There are still three years later for the exam, and I suggest you go to the capital to study. The great scholars in the capital are still much better than here."

    These two people are good seedlings, especially Xu Youan. .

    "Teacher, I will definitely not embarrass you."

    Xu Youan cupped his hands and said seriously.

    After this month of tempering, he felt that he seemed to have improved a lot.

    Fu Mingyou also responded with a smile. Now he has 100% confidence in himself becoming a scholar.

    Master Meng looked at the two and smiled, and then went back in the carriage.

    This time, Master Meng was returning to the capital. Fu Mingyou knew that the other party had returned, and he also prepared a lot of gifts, including lamps, toothbrushes and other things, not to mention, he prepared a lot, and more of them were special products from the countryside. .

    After eating sausage once, Master Meng fell in love with the taste, and this time he took a lot of it with him.

    When the two of them couldn't see the shadow of the carriage, they looked at each other and returned slowly.

    "You'an, let's go to Xuyin Mansion tomorrow."

    Fu Mingyou estimated the time. It would take almost a day to go from Xiajia Village to Xuyin Mansion.

    The day after tomorrow exam, they can also have one day to adjust.

    "Okay, let's set off early tomorrow."

    Xu Youan responded with a smile. Originally, they planned to go with Master Meng and the others, but then they still wanted to stay at home for more time.

    In the past month, except for the Mid-Autumn Festival, Xu You'an went back once, and the rest lived in Fu's house.

    "Father and mother, why are you here?"

    When Xu Youan went back, he happened to see his father and mother, his eyes lit up, and he immediately greeted him with a smile.

    Father Xu and the others have been here several times, and they know how to get to Fu Mingyou's house.

    "Aren't you going to take the exam in Xuyin Mansion? Mother is worried that you don't have enough money on your body."

    Mother Xu smiled, and then followed Fu Mingyou to say, "Your two masters are gone?"

    Xu Youan nodded, Said : "The teacher has left."

    Although he did not officially worship Master Meng as his teacher, Master Meng mentioned before that when he became a scholar, he would hold an apprenticeship banquet.

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now