Chapter 153 One Year

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Xiao Tangyuan and Huzi didn't stay on the mountain for too long, they caught a few pheasants and a few hares, and went straight down from the mountain.

    There are a lot of things in the mountain, and the two of them didn't want to say that they would get a lot of things down. There is also meat in the house, but they just wanted to go up and play.

    "Dad, have you seen the blind bear I sent down? Isn't it super big? We can eat two bear paws today."

    As soon as he came back, Xiao Tangyuan went directly to Fu Mingyou and said immediately.

    Seeing the other party's fiery appearance, Fu Mingyou couldn't help but smile and said, "I saw it, they are dealing with Heizi."

    "Hey hey, as soon as I went up the mountain with Uncle Huzi today, I found Xiong Blind, okay. There are guards to follow, otherwise, it is really impossible to get the blind bear down."

    Xiao Tangyuan is still very self-aware, although his martial arts are not bad, but the blind bear is too big, he is still a little difficult to deal with. .

    "It's good to know."

    Fu Mingyou glanced at him angrily, "Next time, don't go into the deep mountains, just go hunting outside."

    232 Although there are many things and prey in the deep mountains, the risks are also great .

    Xiao Tangyuan nodded and said, "Okay, Dad, I'll write it down."

    After speaking, Xiao Tangyuan went to Aunt Li again, wanting to eat braised bear's paws and hot and sour ones, so he made two of two bear's paws. Taste, so you can eat two more flavors.

    The days in Xiajia Village were still very pleasant.

    Fu Mingyou and Xia Yanxi take a walk every day, chat, and sometimes plant something in the yard, which is very comfortable.

    Although Fu Ming had left, things in the capital were still proceeding in an orderly manner.

    When he left before, Fu Mingyou had already handed over all the craftsmen under his hand to His Majesty. Those artisans know a lot of things, and His Majesty will definitely make good use of them.

    The binoculars are very useful for the frontier. After figuring out how to do it, His Majesty immediately sent someone to do some, and then quickly sent it to the frontier.

    In fact, the things in the box that Fu Mingyou gave him that day were not only the binoculars. Although the country of Li had been peaceful for so long, some surrounding countries would continue to provoke him, so Fu Mingyou also attached the box. Learn how to make modified swords and explosives.

    But this thing is not a last resort, it is best not to get it out.

    The lethality of hot weapons is too high, and once they are available, it may mean a lot of deaths.

    With Fu Mingyou's understanding of His Majesty, the other party will only take it out when it is absolutely necessary, which Fu Mingyou is quite sure of.

    After New Year's Eve in Xiajia Village, after the beginning of spring, Fu Mingyou's family of three quietly left to travel around the mountains and waters.

    Fu Mingyou had long wanted to see other parts of the Li Kingdom. He had been in the capital before, but now that he was free, of course he would not miss it.

    The family of three started from Xiajia Village and went south all the way.

    Along the way, they saw a lot of things, but also deeply touched.

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now