Chapter 24 Here comes the troublemaker

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"Mother, why are you here?"

    Mother Xia asked in a light but polite tone, looking at the other party.

    The old lady Xia glared at each other and said, "Is the father coming back? You mother, just settle the marriage. It doesn't seem right?"

    Mother Xia narrowed her eyes, just about to say something, The matchmaker Wang on the side smiled and said, "Mrs. Xia, don't worry, Mr. Fu is definitely a good husband." Madam

    Xia snorted, then looked at Fu Mingyou, turned her mind, and directly pulled Xia Huanhuan, who was passing by, said, "Boy Fu, you haven't seen my granddaughter yet. This is Huanhuan, the eldest daughter of the second family, Xixi's younger sister."

    "Auntie, I have asked my uncle to come back. I guess it's almost here."

    Fu Mingyou ignored the old lady Xia, and then cupped his hands: "Auntie, you can leave Xixi to me, I swear by my parents, I will treat Xixi with all my heart, and I will be a couple for the rest of my life. "

    His education made Fu Mingyou unable to accept polygamy. Since he has identified Xia Yanxi, he will definitely be with each other for a lifetime, never part, and will love each other sincerely.

    "One person for the rest of your life, what a beautiful thing to say."

    "This kid Fu is indeed a literate person."

    "Really, as the saying goes, the words of a matchmaker ordered by his parents, what kind of fun does this old lady join in?"

    "Alas . , you just came, this old lady Xia also introduced her granddaughter to Fu boy, she really has ulterior motives."

    "Ah, my God..."

    Everyone outside the door was discussing in a low voice, next to the old lady Xia. Xia Huanhuan looked at Fu Mingyou, her face was blushing, and she was one pair for the rest of her life. What a beautiful word.

    "Master Fu, do you really want to marry brother Xixi?"

    Xia Huanhuan gave a pretentious salute and asked softly.

    Fu Mingyou avoided her salute and said directly, "I only want to spend my whole life with Xixi in this life."

    Xia Huanhuan pretended to be difficult, and said: "Don't you know that it is difficult for little brothers to conceive, and brother Xixi likes to fight with others since he was a child. You just came here, I am afraid you don't know very well."

    Don't say that Wang matchmaker is a little angry . Now, Mother Xia on the side is going to be pissed off.

    Today is such a happy event, the second room and the old lady are simply dying. If it disturbs her little ger good things, don't blame her for being rude.
"I don't know if Xixi is rude, but I know that this young lady is really speechless."

    Fu Mingyou looked at Xia Huanhuan lightly, and said directly: "The Xixi I know is brave and kind, who loves and cares for his parents. A good boy who cherishes his younger brother. A good ger who is not afraid of hard work and a cheerful life."

    "Unlike someone, who looks kind and considerate, but is actually cruel."

    Fu Mingyou has seen this little trick Xia Huanhuan a lot, and he is really stupid. green camellia flower.

    Xia Liren, who was outside the door, heard this, his eyes were a little red, and he said directly: "Well said."

    "My little ger is brave and kind, loves his parents and cherishes his younger brother, and is a very good ger."

    Xia Liren looked at it. Come on, my little ger is the best ger, but my mother can't see his little ger's happiness, and wants to destroy this marriage, which is absolutely not allowed by Xia Liren.

    "Uncle, you're back." After Fu Mingyou saw Xia Liren, he immediately greeted him.

    Xia Liren nodded, then stood beside Mother Xia and said, "I'm back."

    Mother Xia nodded and said with a smile, "you came back in time."

    If the other party didn't come back, the situation would be unsightly.

    She would never let her in-laws ruin her little ger's marriage.

    "Mother, I agree with this marriage."

    Xia Liren looked directly at Mrs. Xia, and continued: "I have seen Xiao Fu's behavior very clearly in the past few months. The other person is a person worthy of entrustment for life. I am very relieved to hand Xixi to him."

    Mrs. Xia He glared at the other party and said, "Boss, are you going to fight against me?"

    Xia Liren smiled and said, "Mother, I'm not going to fight against you, as the saying goes, the life of your parents, According to the matchmaker, this Xixi's marriage, of course, we are the parents." The  implication is that this old lady, as a generation away from Xia Yanxi, is not qualified and should not intervene in her grandson's marriage. .

    "Old lady, to have such a good grandson-in-law, you should be happy as a grandmother. In the future, when the two get married, of course, I will not forget to honor you."

    Matchmaker Wang looked at the old lady and said with a smile.

    Madam Xia snorted coldly and said, "I still expect them to be filial?"

    "Fu boy, if I give you Huanhuan, will you marry Xixi little ger?

    " The conceive rate of the ger is much lower than that of girls, so most people are not very willing to marry a ger.

    As soon as she heard this, Mother Xia was so angry that she was dying. Before she could say anything, she saw Fu Mingyou speak.

    "Old lady, you are always blind and deaf. If you didn't understand what I said before, I'll tell you again. I, Fu Mingyou, the person I want to marry is Xia Yanxi Xia Ge'er, As for your granddaughter loves to marry whoever has nothing to do with me, do you hear it now?"

    Fu Mingyou had long heard that Mrs. Xia was in a small family, but he never thought that the other party would even have not spared her own Grandson's marriage.

    Fu Mingyou could probably understand the other person's heart.

    Didn't the other party just think he was capable and rich, and wanted to torture him with his granddaughter, and then honor him in their old house.

    When the old lady Xia heard what the other party said, she was so angry that she couldn't say anything.

    Now the other party is just asking for a kiss, and has not yet fully become her in-law, but it is too much to disrespect the elders like this.

    The villagers standing outside the door didn't care what Fu Mingyou said, but discussed the words of Mrs. Xia with each other.

    I didn't expect this old lady Xia to be so biased. I didn't expect to be biased towards the second family before, but I didn't expect to destroy her grandson's marriage, which is really unheard of.

    Hearing Fu Mingyou's words, Xia Huanhuan was very annoyed. Looking at the eyes of the villagers, she was about to cry. She said directly, "Mom, let's go back. I didn't covet Master Fu.

    " Fame is coming back.

    Mrs. Xia left Xia Liren's house unwillingly. Because of the other party's departure, the house suddenly became lively.

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now