Chapter 40 Thresher

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   "Okay, boss, let's go."

    After listening to Murray's order, Li Fang and Chen Xia nodded, and then left directly.

    As for what they did, Murray didn't care, he only cared about how much saltpeter was collected in the end.

    They also went to the bottom of the mountain to see it before. Saltpeter is only found in special places, so the amount is not large, but fortunately no one has ever mined saltpeter before. Now there is still quite a lot of saltpeter. Generate saltpeter yourself.

    Looking at the ice-making powder at hand, Murray thought for a while, returned to the study, picked up a pen, and started writing a letter.

    One letter was sent to the Mu family in Beijing, and the other was sent to Master Tianyi at Tiancheng Temple in Beijing.

    Next, Fu Mingyou wrote at home, Xia Xiaobao went to Murray's place every day, Xia's father and his wife were still selling ice. The other party sent 200 wen, and they didn't care anymore.

    Although Xia Liren said that day only 100 wen would be given, but Mother Xia felt that it was still 200 wen.

    Because Murray wanted to collect saltpeter, Li Fang went directly to the village chief and asked the people in the village to find saltpeter. They could give money, two cents a pound. For the villagers, it was like a drop in the sky.

    After all, with a few stones, you can exchange a dozen or twenty cents, who wouldn't be happy.

    "Little Li, what do you want this stone for?"

    Some of the more clever aunts guessed that this stone must be useful, and wondered if they could get some information from Li Fang's mouth.

    Li Fang smiled and said, "Auntie, I can't tell you this. But this stone is really useful. Otherwise, why would we exchange money for a stone?" "What's the use?" The

    aunt rolled her eyes and asked immediately. road.

    Li Fang glanced at the other party and said, "Auntie, do you think I'm a fool?" Is  he the kind of person who will honestly tell the role of the stone?

    Two cents a pound is still because they have lived in Xiajia Village for so long. Otherwise, if they go to other villages, there will be people rushing to sell a pound for a cent.

    The aunt smiled shyly, and then obediently went to find the stone.

    "Uncle Li, you are collecting stones."

    After training with Murray, Xia Xiaobao saw Li Fang and Chen Xia collecting stones on the way back.

    Although he knew what the stone was for, he wasn't stupid, so he didn't say it.

    "Yeah, it's over?"

    Li Fang stretched out his hand to squeeze the tender skin of the other party and patted the other party's head: "Go back quickly, the weather is hot."

    Xia Xiaobao nodded obediently. of.

    Because Xia Xiaobao was studying with Murray, Xia Yanxi asked Fu Mingyou and Xia Xiaobao to send the ice cream stored at home.

    He is a little ger with a fiancé, so it would be inappropriate to deliver ice cream to two people.

    "It's hot, eat some ice cream."

    Fu Mingyou took Xia Xiaobao to find Li Fang.

    They seem to be collecting a lot of saltpeter, not only in Xiajia Village, but also in the village next door.

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now