Chapter 18 Tentative Mind

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"Xixi, can I go in?"

    Mother Xia knocked on the door and whispered to the people inside.

    Xia Yanxi, who was in the house, hear his mother's words, and immediately took a few deep breaths and replied smoothly, "Mother, come in."

    Xia Yanxi, who had entered the house, looked at Xia Yanxi sitting on the bed and smiled. She smiled and said, "What's wrong with Xixi?"

    Xia Yanxi paused, shook his head with a smile, and said, "It's nothing."

    How could Mum Xia not understand her son, looked at each other, and nodded his forehead , said: "You, you like to hold anything in your heart."

    "How can there be."

    Xia Yanxi rubbed his forehead dissatisfied, and then said: "By the way, why didn't I see Dad when I came back? ?"

    Obviously the other party was still at home when they left.

    Mother Xia smiled and said, "Your daddy went to weeding in the field. Xixi, if your mother asks you a question, you have to tell your mother truthfully."

    Xia Yanxi looked at his mother seriously in confusion . She nodded and said, "Mother, you ask."

    "Xixi, do you like Fu Xiaozi?"

    Xia Mu glanced at her little ger and asked softly.

    Xia Yanxi didn't expect the other party to ask such a question, his face turned red all of a sudden, and he murmured, "Mother, why do you ask such a question."

    Looking at her son's appearance, how could Xia, a mother, not understand He smiled helplessly, and said, "Mother thinks that Xiao Fu is a good person. If he can be your husband, mother will be absolutely at ease."

    During these times of getting along, Xia's mother's eyes are absolutely different. There will be problems, the other party is indeed a person who can TOEFL everyone.

    Xia Yanxi glanced at each other shyly and said, "Mother, I don't want to get married yet."

    He still wants to stay at home for a few years, his younger brother is young, and his parents have a lot of things to do. In addition, there are occasional things in the old house. If he goes out, who will do the work in this family.

    Although Fu Mingyou's background was a little richer, he couldn't just sit back and relax.

    "Mother is just asking."

    Mother Xia smiled, and then said: "How can little ger not marry, I think Xiao Fu is good, the answer Xiaobao's words to him today, I know what he has you in mind but you are not allowed to mention it yourself, you have to let Xiao Fu come."

    Of course Xia Yanxi understood what the other party meant, but he was still a little unconfident, and said, "Mother, maybe it's just that you think too much, Fu Big brother is just embarrassed to refute in my face."

    After all, little brother's face is still very important.

    Mother Xia smiled, patted the back of his hand soothingly, and said, "Mother's eyesight is absolutely accurate, okay, let's go, go to the vegetable garden with mother to pick some, the meat at home has not been eaten yet. I'll make dumplings for you at noon."

    Yesterday, Fu Mingyou bought a lot of meat at the housewarming banquet over there, and he left half of it unfinished, so it was convenient for him to directly give it to his house.

    Originally, Mother Xia didn't want it, but Fu Mingyou bluntly said that the weather was hot and he couldn't finish it all by himself.

    Knowing what Fu Mingyou meant, Mother Xia did not refuse any more, thinking about making a delicious meal for the family at noon.

    Because Mother Xia was making dumplings at noon, at the behest of the other party, Xiaobao went to invite Fu Mingyou to have lunch together, which could be considered as offering to Buddha by borrowing flowers.

    Fu Mingyou didn't refuse Mother Xia's invitation. His cooking skills can only be said to be average. Although he can cook some, he is only full, and there is nothing delicious at all.

    "Auntie's cooking skills are really good, and these dumplings taste great."

    Fu Mingyou was eating dumplings and felt that the other party's cooking skills were really good.

    Upon hearing this, Mother Xia smiled and said, "How can it be so powerful, but most of these dumplings are stuffed by Xia Xia, so I will help."

    My little brother's craftsmanship has always been very good, and she knows that as a mother.

    Hearing this, Fu Mingyou looked at Xia Yanxi, smiled, and said, "Xixi is very powerful."

    Xia Yanxi's face turned red, and said, "Brother Fu can eat more

    if he likes it." His mother would be a little shy, but now facing Fu Mingyou, he is not too embarrassed to be shy, worried that his intentions will be seen by the other party.

    Fu Mingyou looked at the other party, and the smile in his eyes deepened.

    Xia Liren snorted and said, "Of course my little brother is amazing."

    Mother Xia glared at each other and beckoned Fu Mingyou to eat more.

    This lunch, Fu Mingyou was very satisfied. He didn't stay for too long, so he said to the Xia family and left.

    He's going to go to town in the afternoon to check it out. Now that his light has been replaced, he has put it in the basement.

    At the same time, the ginseng was also given to Chen, so that the money and the goods were lost.

    The town was a little far away, but Fu Mingyou didn't plan to walk over, so he took a donkey cart at the entrance of the village and staggered up toward the town.

    Although the donkey cart is simple, it does not cost much, only two coins.

    Fu Mingyou has money, of course he doesn't care about these two coins. If he walks into the town, it will be very tiring.

    The people in the car were from Xiajia Village, and there were also people from the village next door.

    People in Xiajia Village knew Fu Mingyou, but they didn't know much about it, so they didn't talk much.

    After arriving in the town, Fu Mingyou followed passersby and some shopkeepers to inquire, and found the largest shop in the town.

    The things in this shop are expensive, but the business is very good.

    Although many people in Xiajia Village have average family circumstances, many people in the town are rich, not to mention those in the county.

    Anyway, Fu Mingyou thought about it. If the price in the town is not satisfied, he will work harder to go to the county.

    Rare things are precious, and his lamp is very rare, and someone will definitely be moved.

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now