Chapter 43 Picked up the little wolf cub

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"Yes, after you go back, you can focus on the four books and writing."

    Master Lin smiled and said softly.

    Fu Mingyou was the easiest student he had ever seen. Enlightenment was not enough for him.

    "Yes, sir."

    Fu Mingyou responded with a smile. He knew where his shortcomings were, and of course he would try to make up for them.

    In the process of practicing calligraphy, he also recorded the complex traditional characters one by one in his heart. Now, when reading and writing, he always uses traditional characters. Only in this way, after forming a habit, in future exams, there will be no people who make people Sorry for the mistake.

    After returning, it was still early. Because the Xia family was not here today, Fu Mingyou always felt a little bored. After thinking about it, he went up the mountain with a bow and arrow.

    The meat at home is also exhausted, so I have to add some fresh ingredients.

    It's hot now, and many animals have taken the opportunity to hide, but Fu Mingyou doesn't care, as long as he just strolls around and kills time. .

    The last time I taught Xia Xiaobao ginseng, I also dug it out of the mountain. I just happened to be fine today, so I will go around again, maybe I will find something.

    When Fu Ming was traveling up the mountain, he happened to meet Murray who was coming down the mountain, and the four of them were still carrying some game.

    "Going up the mountain now?"

    Murray said after seeing the other party.

    Fu Mingyou     nodded


But encountering large animals is also dangerous.

    Fu Mingyou smiled and said, "Don't worry, Brother Mu, let's go."

    Murray nodded, and after watching the other party leave, he went down the mountain with Li Fang and the others.

    Fu Mingyou took the bow and arrow and walked directly into the mountain.

    There are more trees in the mountain, so the temperature is lower than in the village, not very hot.

    Today he is alone, and he is going to fight some pheasants and hares.

    The village chief was also very concerned about the previous thresher, and even went to the town to inquire about the situation, so this time Fu Mingyou also prepared to prepare some thank you gifts.

    It is already very good for the other party to have this heart.

    Walking towards it, Fu Mingyou saw the pheasant that had always been fat, and he aimed directly, and the bow and arrow quickly ejected.

    His bow and arrow skills are not very good, so the arrow just stuck on the pheasant's wing, and the pheasant was startled and flew up immediately.

    Of course, Fu Mingyou wouldn't let the cooked pheasant throw away, and immediately shot an arrow.

    Picking up the dead pheasant and putting it in the back basket, Fu Mingyou moved forward again.

    Along the way, Fu Mingyou caught three pheasants and two hares.

    When he came back to his senses, he was already deep in the mountains.

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now