Chapter 57 Planning to sign up for the Tongsheng test

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  After staying at Mu's house for a while, Fu Mingyou left with what Murray had given him.

    It's getting dark now, and it's estimated that Xixi is already at home waiting for him to go back to eat.

    Sure enough, when Fu Mingyou got home, he could smell the aroma from the kitchen.

    "Xixi, I'm back."

    Fu Mingyou walked directly into the living room and put the things in his hand aside: "This is the New Year's gift from Big Brother Mu."

    Xia Yanxi looked at the things in his hand and smiled He smiled, opened it, and was surprised.

    "Xianggong, are these things too expensive?"

    In addition to some food and clothing expenses, there are also some gold jewelry, jade bracelets and pendants of the highest size, etc. This is Xia Yanxi's reward for removing that time from His Majesty. The best thing I've ever seen.

    Fu Mingyou glanced at it and understood in his heart, and said, "It's okay, Xixi keeps it."

    The things he gave before were even more valuable to Murray, but these external things were the least valuable to the other party. something.

    Xia Yanxi listened to what the other party said, so he accepted it, put the things in the cabinet in the bedroom, and made plans in the future.

    The two had dinner, and Fu Mingyou put his arms around each other as usual and told him stories.

    This is what Fu Mingyou and Xia Yanxi have done every night since New Year's Eve.

    The next morning, when Xia Xiaobao got up to exercise, he heard a knock on the door, opened it and saw that it was Murray.

    Xia Xiaobao's face was full of surprise and smile, and a small milky voice was filled with joy: "Master, you are back." The

    other party had gone home for the Chinese New Year before, and he thought he would come back at the end of the month.

    Murray reached out and touched his hair, and said, "Come back, go punch and let me see if you have been slack recently."

    Xia Xiaobao nodded immediately, and in the yard he punched vigorously.

    Mother Xia looked at Murray, smiled, and said, "Mr. Mu is here?"

    Xia Xiaobao took Murray as his teacher. At the beginning, Xia Liren and his wife were very surprised, but they got used to it later.

    Murray nodded and said hello.

    Mother Xia looked at her son who was punching in the yard, smiled, and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

    After the inspection was over, Murray nodded in satisfaction and said, "Yes, I didn't back down."

    It seemed that the other party was still working hard during the time he was away.

    Xia Xiaobao nodded happily and said, "Master, I will continue to work hard."

    After Mother Xia made breakfast, she immediately called Murray to have breakfast at her home.

    Murray shook his head and said, "Thank you, I can go back and eat. Xiaobao will come to my house after breakfast."

    Xiaobao nodded immediately, sent his own master to the door, and waved his little hand. , and then went straight back to eat.

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now