Chapter 56 Murray Comes Back

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Bought two people from the troupe, and Fu Mingyou left with Xia Yanxi. Taozi, who was not far away, looked at Xia Yanxi who was leaving, and a dark look flashed in her eyes.

    I really envy such a person, how nice to be pampered.

    Wu Niang and the cook looked at the silver in their hands and looked at each other.

    Wu Niang took a deep breath and went straight to her place to pack up. No matter what, she left the troupe.

    The days to come, no matter how difficult it is, can't be more difficult than those in the troupe.

    What's more, based on Wu Niang's first instinct, she felt that the two young masters of the main family were still good people. As long as she performed her duty, her future life would definitely not be difficult.

    The cook watched Wu Niang go back to pack her things, and hurriedly followed.

    After leaving the troupe, the cook looked at Wu Niang and said, "Wu Niang, what are we going to do next?"

    Wu Niang recalled what happened before and said, "According to what the eldest young master said, buy yourself some clothes, and then Go to Suxintang." The

    cook nodded, then went to buy clothes behind the other party.

    After Xia Yanxi left with Fu Mingyou, she looked back at the troupe and said, "Xianggong, Wu Niang and the cook are gone, will they run away?"

    They bought it for fifty taels, A lot of money.

    Although Xia Yanxi sympathized with the two people's previous experience, but thinking about spending fifty taels, it would be a pity if they let them run away.

    Fu Mingyou looked at his slightly raised eyebrows, smiled, and reached out to touch his eyebrows: "Don't worry, they won't run away."

    If the two did run away, he wouldn't mind using Rong Fang. relationship with the sea.

    "That's good." Xia Yanxi breathed a sigh of relief, turned around, and went directly to Suxintang.

    Xia Xiaobao still likes the cakes of Suxintang, and Xia Liren also likes to eat them.

    It's just that Xia Liren felt a little embarrassed as an old man who likes to eat dim sum, and sometimes he almost never takes it. It was Fu Mingyou who discovered it carefully.

    When Fu Mingyou at Suxintang buys snacks, he will buy all kinds of snacks, so that Xia Liren can also have more choices.

    The two went directly to Suxintang. The guy at Suxintang obviously remembered Fu Mingyou, and the other party would buy a lot of things every time.

    "Young Master Fu, you're here, today there is a new dim sum, would you like to try it?"

    Ji Ji remembered that Fu Mingyou was a generous person, and immediately recommended the new dim sum this time.

    Fu Mingyou glanced at it and said, "If you are interested, try it."

    If the new ones taste good, you can buy some.

    I'm going to Master Lin's house tomorrow and bring some for the other party's little grandson.

    The workman nodded immediately and handed the snacks to Fu Mingyou and Xia Yanxi respectively.

    "Xixi, is it delicious?"

    Fu Mingyou took a bite. This snack is not bad. It tastes like mung bean cake, but it tastes better than mung bean cake.

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now