Chapter 26 Ask Murray for help

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Fu Mingyou smiled and said, "This is called a bow and crossbow. You can shoot from a distance, and it's very convenient. It's useless in my hand. Brother Mu, you can hunt. This thing is just right. "

    Anyway, he can't use it either, it's better to be friendly, because he just wants to help the other party when he has something.

    "Thank you."

    Murray did not refuse. Since the other party came to him, there must be something to look for him.     

Fu Mingyou took a sip of water, smiled, and said, "Mr. Mu is very polite. In addition to sending this bow and crossbow, there is actually one more thing that I want Brother Mu to do for you."

I learned something from the matchmaker Wang.

    If the marriage is a woman, the process is more complicated, and you need to follow the six rituals step by step, but if it is a ger, it will be a little simpler.

    But Fu Mingyou wanted the best for Xia Yanxi, so of course this betrothal gift would not be casual and simple.

    Fu Mingyou came to Murray today, hoping that the other party could help him fight a wild boar or a bigger game.

    It's not that he didn't think about going hunting by himself, but because he was a little too attractive the previous two times, if Murray was there this time, everyone would take it for granted.

    He had attacked from Xia Liren before. Although this Murray lived in Xiajia Village, he was not from Xiajia Village. They only knew that the other party was a hunter, but they had no idea about the origins of Murray and his brothers.

    Fu Mingyou has been in business for so many years, and it still depends on people's ability.

    This Murray is definitely not an ordinary person. He met Mu Xingzhou before adding the other party. Mu Xingzhou is from the capital, and 80% of Murray came from the capital.

    "What does Brother Fu want me to do?"

    Murray was a little surprised, what the other party wanted him to do.

    Fu Mingyou smiled and said: "Brother Mu also knows that you are a good hunter, so I hope you can take me with you when you go up the mountain tomorrow, I want to hunt a wild boar, or some other game, to use it for hunting. Employed."

    "Oh? Brother Fu is getting married?"

    Murray was a little surprised. As far as he knew, Fu Mingyou had only been here for a few months, right? Getting married so soon?

    Fu Mingyou nodded with a smile, and said, "Yeah, I 'll invite Big Brother Mu over for a wedding wine then."
"That's a must."

    Murray smiled, but he didn't expect the other party to be so fast.

    After talking to Murray, Fu Mingyou returned to his house.

    After closing all the doors and windows, he opened the plane system and found that some planes sent him messages.

    Bian Zihui: "Old Fu, how has your current interface changed? Why has it become ancient?"

    This Bian Zihui was Fu Mingyou's first exchange partner, and he was considered a person who had been with him for a long time. The other party is a person who values ​​interests, so he also values ​​Fu Mingyou, and the other party has brought him a lot of benefits.

    Fu Mingyou: "It's a long story, what do you think you need to change? I may not have it here."

    Bian Zihui: "Ah, just look at your previous interface, you sold ginseng, and No?"

    Fu Mingyou: "This one is gone."

    The one he dug before was kept for himself, and he was not ready to sell it.

    What's more important is that the things that Bian Zihui has on the other side are almost all that he can't use here, and all of them are high-tech products.

    Bian Zihui: "It's a pity, if you encounter it in the future, let me know. I can buy it at a high price, even if it's a small Miaomiao."

    After all, that thing is still very good, he didn't have it there, and he saw Fu Mingyou selling it. This thing, I didn't expect it to come late.

    Fu Mingyou nodded and said, "Okay, I'll tell you if there are any." The

    ginseng seedlings do have them, but Fu Mingyou is not going to dig those things, so let them grow. reserved for future generations.

    After chatting with Bian Zihui, Fu Mingyou replied to other people who wanted to exchange and buy things. Now that he was on the ancient side, many things could not be sold.

    After thinking about it, Fu Mingyou directly changed the introduction, and the things he sold were all things that were here in ancient times.

    Although he still has some things left from before, those things are also very precious to him now, so Fu Mingyou does not intend to exchange the remaining materials for things, unless it is really necessary to exchange them.

    Early the next morning, Fu Mingyou followed Murray to the mountain. At the same time, Murray followed a group of people he had seen before.

    "Brother Fu, these are my brothers, let me introduce you."

    Murray raised his lips and said immediately after seeing Fu Mingyou coming.

    Fu Mingyou responded with a smile, and firstly introduced himself: "Hello everyone, I'm Fu Mingyou."

    "Hahaha, boss, we don't need your introduction, we'll do it ourselves."

A young man who clearly looked like a weak scholar smiled He smiled, then patted his chest and said, "My name is Li Fang."

    "I'm Mu Han."

    "My name is Chen Xia."

    After the introduction of the three, Murray looked directly at Fu Mingyou and said "Let's go hunting."

    Fu Mingyou was not polite, he took down the big knife he was carrying, and said, "Go." The

    three of Li Fang glanced at the big knife in Fu Mingyou's hand, surprised, this The quality of the big knife is really good, much better than the quality of the knife in their hands.

    Of course, Fu Mingyou also noticed everyone's eyes, but he didn't care. His purpose today was to fight a wild boar, or something else, it was all right.

    The group walked directly into the mountain. Because Murray and the others were there, this time, Fu Mingyou followed them into the mountain.

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now