Chapter 131 Huan Yan

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Fu Mingyou and Xia Yanxi just glanced at Huanyan's plaque outside, but they didn't go in yet.

    "Xiang Gong, there are so many people here."

    Xia Yanxi glanced inside, couldn't help being a little surprised, and said to Fu Mingyou.

    Fu Mingyou smiled and said, "I guess it's to buy water and milk, do you want to go in and see?"

    He only had a rough look at the layout here, but the specific situation was made by Mu Xingzhou. .

    "Okay, go in and have a look. If there are any suitable ones, I can buy some for my mother."

    Xia Yanxi nodded directly. He used those things before and thought they were pretty good. If they were suitable, he could buy some for his mother and them. .

    Women must like those things more, he also finds it useful, and mothers must like them more.

    After entering, Xia Yanxi found that there were really many people inside, most of them were women who were choosing those skin care products.

    Xia Yanxi knew what they were doing. These skin care products were really good. Fu Mingyou and Xia Yanxi looked at them, and the shop assistant immediately came over to greet them.

    Because they have a lot of things and many customers, the second shop assistant is a little too busy. Fu Mingyou asked them to do their own work, and then looked at it with Xia Yanxi, so there was no need for the second shop assistant to introduce them to them. these things.

    Fu Mingyou knew all these things. After all, they were passed on from him, so he didn't need any introduction from the shop assistant.

    Fu Mingyou and Fu Mingyouyan walked around inside, Xia Yanxi thought about buying some for his mother, aunt and the others.

    Of course, these were bought on the recommendation of Fu Mingyou. Fu Mingyou knew how these things were used and how effective they were, and he bought them quickly.

    The two went in quickly and came out quickly, but they were carrying a lot of things in their hands. Heizi took those things in his hands, and then went straight to the inn and put them down. They were going to stay at the inn tonight, so the things It doesn't matter if they are placed in the inn. Their carriage is now outside Xanadu, and it would be quite troublesome to go out. Moreover, these things are placed in the carriage, and they are not safe in the inn, so Heizi just put those things in the inn. Inside the inn.

    The shopkeeper of the inn should write down this matter and let the other party come here to get it when he leaves.

    Fu Mingyou took Xia Yanxi and two children to stroll in Tao Xanadu for a long time. There are really many people inside, but every place is very interesting, just like a large comprehensive shopping mall, and There are many scenery in it, there are lakes, gardens, and some small pavilions to enjoy the scenery.

    Before Gai, Fu Mingyou thought about a lot, and these things need to exist.

    The group spent a whole day playing in Xanadu, and when the two children fell asleep after dinner, they were really tired, and they stayed at the inn in the evening.

    The room reserved for them in the inn here is still big enough for the four of them, and Heizi and the others also went to open another room. After the two children washed up, they let them sleep.     Fu Mingyou and Xia Yanxi were also resting on the side, Xia Yanxi leaned on Fu Mingyou's body, smiled and said: "Xiang Gong, you are really amazing, many people really like these things, today's guest There are too many."     In Xia Yanxi's heart, Fu Mingyou was really amazing.     This is not a small project, but a very large project. Two people can get these things out, which is really amazing.     Seeing the admiration in the other's eyes, Fu Mingyou smiled, kissed the other's face, and said, "Of course. By the way, Xixi, Xiaotangyuan can almost start enlightenment now, should we give him away? Go to the private school?"

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now