Chapter 90 Cooperate with Mu Xingzhou again

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Zhang Daniu took his own courage, hesitated for a while, and said, "Thank you boss, I will come in three days later, but can you pay me half a month's worth of money in advance?

    " It would be much better if I could get half the money in advance.

    Now that he has decided to work here in the future, Zhang Daniu will also be serious.

    Fu Mingyou smiled, then took out five taels of silver directly from the side, and smiled: "This is the money to buy your bottle today."

    Since he said before that he bought the other party's bottle, it must be counted, even if He has now signed a contract with the other party, but the things he said before will not change.

    Looking at the five taels of silver in front of him, Zhang Daniu looked at Fu Mingyou gratefully: "Thank you boss, I will definitely come over in three days."

    Fu Mingyou nodded with a smile, and then let the other party leave.

    When Zhang Daniu was carrying the burden, the newly arrived maid Cuihua carried a bag of cakes: "Zhang Gongzi, this is the cake that the eldest young master said he prepared for you. I specially asked me to bring it here for you."

    When Zhang Daniu sat down before, he just ate pastries, Fu Mingyou thought that the other party liked it, so he directly asked the kitchen to pack some.

    Anyway, I can't finish the pastries at home. Since some people like it, it is better to send some out than to spoil them.

    Mainly because the weather is hot now, the cakes can't be kept for too long.

    Zhang Daniu didn't expect Fu Mingyou to be so attentive, and immediately took it with a smile: "Thank you for this girl."

    Cuihua smiled indifferently, and then quickly went back to work.

    Zhang Daniu rushed home with five taels of silver and a bag of cakes. He was not decadent when he went back today. In the next period of time, their family would no longer have to worry about their livelihood.

    "Da Niu, you're back, how's the sale going?"

    After the old lady who was in the house heard the movement, she immediately walked out on crutches.

    As soon as Zhang Daniu saw the other party, he immediately put down the courage in his hand and supported the other party: "Mother, let's go in and talk, it's hot outside."

    There is no ice in their house, usually they are only in the main room, which will be a little cooler, but Even so, at noon, everyone would still be sweating from the heat.

    The old lady Zhang nodded immediately, and then followed the other party into the house.

    When he entered the house, Zhang Daniu took out all the five taels of silver and cakes in his arms: "Mother, this time I met a very good host, and bought all the bottles with five taels of silver, and he He also hired me to burn these bottles for him, for a monthly fee of 12 taels a month."

    "Really?" The old lady immediately asked happily when she heard this.

    Zhang Daniu nodded immediately, and then talked about the things before and after in detail.

    After hearing this, Mrs. Zhang couldn't help but sigh: "Master Fu is a good person, you have to do things well in the future." Zhang     Daniu

    responded one by one: "Where are the children?"

I'll be back soon." The

    old lady looked out, and she saw two children, who came from the outside in a dejected manner.

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now