Chapter 68 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

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"Okay, it's time."

    Master Meng glanced at the sun, it was almost an hour and a half.

    After listening to the other party's words, the two put down the pen and paper at the same time, and then handed the paper to the other party.

    "Okay, let's go and rest."

    Master Meng waved at them, and then let the two go to rest.

    Fu Mingyou went to the yard and ate some fruit.

    After seeing the other party, Xia Yanxi told about what Master Meng said before that he wanted to name Xiaobao.

    "Okay, it's a good thing." Fu Mingyou nodded in agreement and looked at Xia Xiaobao, "but you still have to ask your parents for their opinions."

    Xia Liren and the others are Xia Xiaobao's parents after all. Don't ask each other.

    Xia Yanxi responded with a smile, Master Meng was changing the papers in the classroom, and Aunt Li brought him some tea.

    "Both of your papers are okay."

    Master Meng handed them the corrected papers, and then pointed out: "You two have no problem with basic knowledge."

    "But, Fu Mingyou, your strategy is not good. "

    Xu You'an, your arithmetic is not good."

    Although he knew a paper, Master Meng could see where the weaknesses of the two were.

    Xu Youan's talent is really good, special strategy theory, well written. And Fu Mingyou can't, but the other party's arithmetic is very smart, and each has his own strengths.

    Mencius asked two people to test, hoping to find their weak points, so that they could be targeted.

    Fu Mingyou nodded and said, "Thank you, Master, I know, I will continue to work hard."

    "I will too."

    Xu Youan smiled and nodded, as expected of Master Meng, he really saw their weaknesses clearly.

    Master Meng nodded, took some books directly, and put them in front of Fu Mingyou: "Next, you need to read through these books and write two policy theories a day."

    "Xu You'an, this is yours, you need a day. Do fifty arithmetic problems."

    Mencius thought it would be useful to write the questions, and when he talked about arithmetic, he looked at Fu Mingyou with interest: "Your approach to arithmetic is a little novel, you can talk about your method. Is it?"

    Although he is a master, Fu Mingyou's method is quite peculiar.

    Like the kind of chicken and rabbits in the same cage, the other party can solve it by dividing by two, but they have to be a little more complicated, not to mention the kind of kilometer problem.

    Fu Mingyou nodded with a smile, nodded directly, and took the pen and paper: "It's actually quite simple, I'll tell you."

    Next, Fu Mingyou said everything about mathematics.

    Fu Mingyou has a high IQ and is also quite talented in mathematics. Neither Master Meng nor Xu You'an are stupid. After listening to each other's words, they understood each other in no time.

    "So that's the case."

    Master Meng nodded thoughtfully, then picked up a question and calculated it directly.

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