Chapter 6 The House Problem

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After listening to his father's words, Xia Yanxi remembered it and said, "Uncle Niu's house is quite large."

    If Fu Mingyou doesn't like it, he can hire workers to build the house himself.

    Following his memory, Fu Mingyou recalled the house, looked at Xia Liren, and said, "Uncle, they don't want that house anymore?"

    "Yes." Xia Liren smiled, I brought you to town today, just to go to them Home ask, if it is sold, you just push off the cover.

    Fu Mingyou responded with a smile, and the three of them headed straight for the town.

    Xiajia Village is not far from Linshui Town, and the distance of seven or eight miles is almost half an hour on foot.

    "Have you two been hungry after such a long journey?"

    Xia Liren looked at Xia Yanxi worriedly and asked softly.

    Xia Yanxi shook his head immediately and said, "It's okay."

    They had eaten dry food when they came. The food in the town is not cheap, and it's a meal if you can save it.

    Fu Mingyou's eyes flickered. At this time, the shops in the town were all open. He looked at the bank not far away, hooked the corner of his mouth, and said, "Uncle, Xixi, wait for me first."

    Xia Liren and his son agreed . Looking at it, some did not understand what the other party was going to do.

    After Fu Mingyou entered the bank, he took out the gold in his arms and exchanged it for some silver and copper.

    Since you want to get household registration, you have to pay money, and at the same time, those yamen people have to spend a few dollars no matter what.

    And if you want to buy a house with that Uncle Niu, you will definitely need money.

    There is a lot of gold in his plane system, of course, he will not be stingy to take it out.

    And he didn't take much, just a small piece, which wouldn't attract the attention of others.

    Seeing the other party go in quickly from the bank and come out quickly, I was a little stunned.

    "Uncle, Xixi, let's go have breakfast."

    Fu Mingyou shook the copper plate in his hand and said with a smile.

    Xia Liren glared at him immediately and said, "Boy Fu, don't reveal your wealth, hurry up and put it away."

    Fu Mingyou also felt the gazes of others, smiled, rolled up his sleeves at will, and said, "Uncle, Don't worry, I can kill a wild boar, but if I really run into something malicious, I don't know who robbed who."

    "You child."
Xia Liren smiled helplessly and took the two of them to go. On the steamed bun stall, ordered a porridge.

    Although he ate breakfast, Xia Liren didn't want the other party to pay the bill. In his opinion, Fu Mingyou, like Xia Yanxi, was still a child.

    The three of them ate ten big steamed buns and three bowls of porridge. After the meal, Fu Mingyou threw 18 wen to the store.

    After eating and drinking enough, Fu Mingyou felt a little more comfortable.

    The prices here are not expensive, the vegetarian buns are only one cent, and the meat buns are only two cents.

    The money on his body can be eaten for a lifetime without any problem.

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now