Chapter 32 A small business

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Fu Mingyou reached out and touched Xia Xiaobao's fleshy little face, and said, "This one can make ice cubes." Not to

    mention Xia Xiaobao, Xia Liren and Xia Yanxi on the side looked at each other and were stunned.

    "Brother Fu, can this be used to make ice cubes?"

    Xia Yanxi looked at the small bottle in the opponent's hand in disbelief, it was hard to think about what could turn water into ice cubes.


    Fu Mingyou nodded directly, looked at the water in the wooden basin, and directly poured the ice-making powder from the bottle into the basin.

    Under the dull eyes of everyone, the water in the basin turned into ice cubes little by little.

    "Wow, it's so cool."

    Xia Xiaobao put his hands on the basin and exclaimed.

    Xia Liren is an adult after all. Although he is simple and honest, he is not stupid. His head is spinning quickly: "Xiao Fu, do you want us to do the ice cube business?

    " Everyone will need it.

    Not only the people in the village, but also the big families in the town prefer it. After all, they can only store some ice cubes in winter, and they may not be able to store it for that long.

    Fu Mingyou smiled mysteriously: "It's only half right."

    "Is the other half going to sell other things?"

    Xia Yanxi also squatted beside Xia Xiaobao, and put her hand on the wooden basin like the other side.

    Fu Mingyou smiled, just as Mother Xia came in: "It's time for dinner."

    "My God, where did you get the ice cubes?"

    Feeling a faint cold air, Mother Xia couldn't believe it. asked.

    Xia Xiaobao was clever, explained it quickly, and concluded, "Brother Fu said, he will definitely make a lot of money."

    Fu Mingyou: "..."

    How could he remember that there was no such sentence in what he said.

    This matter is not something that can be said in a few words. Mother Xia has already made the dumplings, so he proposes to talk after lunch.

    Everyone agreed, but they were still a little absent-minded during the meal. When they were full, everyone immediately looked at Fu Mingyou, hoping that the other party could talk.

    Fu Mingyou drank two sips of tea and said, "Actually, it's summer, so you can sell iced drinks."

    "Ice drinks? Is it a kind of water?"

    Xia Yanxi had never had it before, and really didn't know what iced drinks were.

    Fu Mingyou smiled and said, "Is there any fruit in the house? Anything will do, even tomatoes."

    Every tomato in the countryside, if there is no fruit, tomatoes can also be substituted.

    Mother Xia responded immediately and said, "Yes, yes, it happened that your uncle picked some wild fruits from the mountain this morning, but they were a little sour." After

    saying that, Mother Xia went directly to the kitchen and brought the wild fruits.

    Fu Mingyou washed the wild fruits, then cut them into small pieces, pounded them with clean chopsticks, added some tea, ice cubes and sugar.

    "Uncle, auntie, Xixi, Xiaobao, can you try it?"

    This is the simplest ice drink, and the conditions are limited. Otherwise, Fu Mingyou can make many kinds of drinks, and which one is the best one ? kind.

    Xia Yanxi took a small sip. Because of the ice cubes, the drink in the bowl was cold: "Delicious, sweet and sour."

    Fu Mingyou smiled and nodded, he just poured everyone a sip Quantity: "The taste is alright, but I just finished eating the meat, so I can't drink cold water. You can make this stuff any way you want. Any fruit can be mashed, add ice cubes and let it cool, and then add some sugar, and that's it."

    Xia Liren also clearly understood the business opportunities and said, "This thing is really good. There is no such thing in the whole town. If you want to sell it, it will be very prosperous.

    " Everyone can afford ice cubes.     Xia Yanxi also thoughtful: "We can't afford a shop now, Daddy, we need a small cart, so that

    we can push things to the town for sale."

A cart can be used.

    Mother Xia also clearly understood the meaning of their father and son, but hesitated for a moment, and said, "But this  ice cubes, isn't it very precious?"

    She has grown up so much, and she has never heard of anything that can make ice cubes. Woolen cloth.

    The things that Xiao Fu took out, whether it was the previous lamp or this ice-making thing, were very magical and must be very precious.

    Fu Mingyou understood what the other party meant, shook his head with a smile, and said, "Fortunately, it's not very precious. I bought it from someone else and made it myself. A bottle of powder can definitely be repaid.
 " For this business, the powder must be paid for."

    Xia Liren is not a cheap person, even if Fu Mingyou is their brother-in-law, he can't let the other party pay for the business.

    Of course Fu Mingyou couldn't agree, he just shook his head and said, "No need, uncle, this is really not expensive."

    Mother Xia agreed very much: "Your uncle is right, you and Xixi haven't officially married, even if you He's really our brother-in-law, and he has to spend money to buy it, so we can't let you spend it."

    If they asked the other party to pay, they would be really a little embarrassed.

    Because of the arrival of the other party, in fact, their family's life is really getting better little by little.

    Seeing the firm expressions of the two of them, Fu Mingyou felt helpless. If he didn't agree, the two would definitely miss them for a long time, so he had to say, "This full bottle can be used for a long time, and one bottle is one or two. Don't worry for now, wait until the uncles and you guys earn money and then give it, okay?"

    If the Xia family were to spend a tael of silver now, it's not that they couldn't do it, but they would definitely be empty.

    Based on what Fu Mingyou knew about their husband and wife, the two of them definitely didn't use the betrothal gift he had ordered before.

[MTL] After crossing, I spoil my husband  Author: Hua Zhiqing  Where stories live. Discover now